Transfer Station

recycle dumpster with carThe Transfer Station at Windham Solid Waste Management District (WSWMD) is the heart of our trash, recycling, composting and hazardous waste operations.

You will need an Access Sticker or Day Pass to use WSWMD. A sticker can be purchased at the Scale House.

Transfer Station, Main Office, and Swap Shop days and hours of operation can be found here, along with a list of holiday closings to know about.

Disposal Fees:
Many items require small disposal or recycling fees. Here is a list of common items and the cost to get rid of them.

Swap Shop:
The Swap Shop is a way to share useful items to extend their usefulness and keep them out of the landfill. Find out about our Swap Shop here.

Facility Map:
Need help figuring out where to toss, recycling, or compost at our facility? Here’s a map of WSWMD’s facility to help orient you.

Energy production from old landfill:
WSWMD’s old landfill generated electricity from extracted methane gas for about two decades. As the production of methane dropped below that needed to run a generator, WSWMD kept the generation of renewable energy going by installing a 5 MW Solar Array in 2018.