August 23, 2018 Special Meeting Minutes





COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Dan Toomey, Chair; Jan Ameen, Westminster; and Nancy Meinhard, Wardsboro

COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT: David Jones, Brookline and Michelle Cherrier, Dummerston.

WSWMD STAFF PRESENT: Bob Spencer, Executive Director; Vicki Hayes, Office Manager/Bookkeeper; and Minnie Boadu-Bennett, District Clerk

OTHERS PRESENT: Sadie, Dog, Westminster

Mr. Spencer called meeting to order at 7:03 PM

  1. Changes and/or Additions to Agenda: None.
  2.  Approval of Minutes of August 2, 2018: Motion made to approve the minutes of August 2, 2018 with no changes. Motion Seconded and carried.
  3. Final Review of Revised Position Descriptions: Mr. Spencer and Ms. Hayes presented a job description for Roll-Off Truck Driver as a separate position from the Transfer Station and Compost Facility Operator. This distinction serves to clarify responsibilities and necessary qualifications for each position. After finalizing edits to this new description, previously reviewed descriptions were discussed and finalized in the following order: Administrative Assistant/Marketing, District Clerk, Executive Director, Programs Manager, Transfer Station and Compost Facility Operator, Office Manager/Bookkeeper. Mr. Toomey will send these documents to Ms. Bennett for file conversion and distribution. Ms. Ameen will provide a final review for consistency of style and format.
  4. Final Review of Revised Personnel Handbook: Ms. Hayes began this review by sharing VLCT’s model for drug, alcohol and tobacco use policy. Ms. Hayes will distribute a handbook revision with new wording based on this model.  Next, policy and phrasing in sections E3 (Employee Benefits) and E10 (Health Leave) were discussed to ensure conformance with guidance from VLCT attorney and district standards for employee health. In addition, the following annotated passages in section E were then discussed: E11 (Paid Leave Bank), E15 (Military Leave), E17 (Parental and Family Leave). Next, comments on sections F3 (Fleet Use) G (Posting Requirement), and I (Procedure for Modifying the Contents of the Personnel Policy Handbook) were reviewed. Lastly, the committee reviewed necessary edits for sections C12 (Harassment) and C13 (Sexual Harassment) discussed at a prior meeting and to be completed by Mr. Toomey prior to distribution.
  5.  Executive Session (if needed): None.
  6. Next Policy Committee Meeting: TBD
  7. Other Business as Legally Allowed: None.
  8. Adjournment: Motion made, seconded and carried to adjourn @ 8:37


Minnie Boadu-Bennett, District Clerk