March 29, 2018 Special Meeting Minutes

OF MARCH 29, 2018

COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Michelle Cherrier, Chair, Dummerston; Nancy Meinhard, Warsboro; Jan Ameen, Westminster, Vice Chair; and Dan Toomey, Putney.


WSWMD STAFF PRESENT: Bob Spencer, Executive Director

OTHERS PRESENT: Irving Stowell, Townshend

Ms. Cherrier called the Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  

1)    Changes and/or Additions to Agenda: None

2) Approval of Minutes – May 5, 2016: Motion made, seconded, and carried to approve the Minutes of May 5, 2016.  

3) Consider and Approve a New Committee Chair: Ms. Cherrier informed the Committee Dan Toomey volunteered to serve as Chair of the Committee.

Motion made, seconded, and carried to elect Dan Toomey as Chair of Policy/Personnel Committee.

4) Consider Next Meeting Agenda Items, to include pending business items a-e:  The Committee briefly discussed the need to review and revise:

 a. Finalize discussion regarding these items and questions pertaining to policies in the Personnel Handbook:
 b. How shall WSWMD implement the ANR Vermont state DEC written audit recommendations?
     A.    SEP recap discussion:  
         •    SEP is now set up to be reported as a line item on a W-2?  WSWMD must have it marked on the employees W-2; box 13 must be checked off.
         •    Per V. Hayes- At 12/31 she will provide a list of employees who have a SEP account to our payroll company.  At this time, all employees are participating.
         •    Question for the Board of Supervisors: Should we continue with 5% contribution? Or perhaps lower our contribution during low revenue years?  This item has been referred to the finance committee.  

   B. AFLAC recap:   participating employees now have the additional insurance as a payroll deduction.
   C. Finalize any changes to the Personnel Handbook from 2016, for approval by Board of Supervisors at next meeting.
   D. Review and retire obsolete job descriptions since the MRF closed on 7/1/17.  
   E. Write and recommend a new job description for the office manager, Vicki Hayes.

5) Executive Session (if needed): None

6) Other Business as Legally Allowed: The Next Policy/Personnel Committee Meeting will be held on April 19, 2018 at 7:00 pm.

7) Adjournment:  Motion made, seconded, and carried to adjourn the Meeting.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.  

Kristen Benoit
Program Coordinator/District Clerk