Empty aluminum or steel cans (“tin cans”) can be recycled in the mixed materials drop off boxes or in your curbside recycling container. Please rinse cans prior to recycling. Also see Aerosol cans.
Adhesives are a hazardous material and banned from Vermont landfills. All hazardous materials must be brought to our Hazardous Waste Depot. -(open May to October) or any of our remote hazardous waste collections.
Paint Collection Program
FREE Year-round Paint Collection – NO ACCESS STICKER OR DAY PASS REQUIRED Limit: 10 cans per visit, no larger than 5 gallon pails accepted Please don’t bring us empty or hardened paint containers, they would be considered trash! The following paint products are accepted during normal business hours: Latex Paints Oil Based paints Architectural paints […]
Mercury-containing Devices
DON’T TRASH MERCURY! Mercury containing devices are banned from municipal solid waste disposal. Awareness of the problems with mercury (Hg) has increased greatly thanks to the statewide thermometer exchange program and other initiatives. Items you might have around your home that may contain mercury include: thermometers with silver liquid; thermostats; gas-fired appliances; fluorescent light bulbs […]