WSWMD offers waste management assistance to all residents of our 18 member towns. Have a trash question? Check out our staff directory.
Here are some services we might be able to help you with:
- Recycling and trash services available in your town
- Information about our Transfer Station: Hours; Fees; Recycling Sorts; WSWMD Transfer Station Map
- Dropping off food scraps & organic waste? Learn more about how-to and what it becomes. Watch this quick video.
- Hosting a special event? Borrow our Event Recycling Bin Stations
- Have Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) to get rid of? Make an appointment at our HHW Depot (Seasonal May-October)
- Need a Compost Bin? Purchase at our Transfer Station
- Need composting advice? Check out our staff directory.
- Check out our YouTube channel and see some great videos! Make sure to subscribe so you are always up-to-date.
Also, check out the flyers below– they are about how to collect food scraps in your kitchen, and how to compost at home. Contact us if you would like paper copies, or ask for them at your town facility.