Windham Solid Waste Management District (WSWMD)
Brattleboro, Vermont
Finance Committee Meeting
Via ZOOM and In-Person
Approved Minutes of November 9, 2023
Committee Members Present: Committee Chair-Merrill Mundell, Wilmington; Patrick Moreland, Brattleboro; Michelle Cherrier, Dummerston; Kevin Hughes, Westminster
Committee Members Absent: James Damato, Readsboro
WSWMD Staff Present: John Fay, Programs Manager; Vicki Hayes, Finance Manager & HR Administrator; Anita Grant, Office Manager & Operations Liaison/District Clerk
Merrill called the meeting to order at 6:06 PM
- Changes and/or Additions to the Agenda: None
- Approval of Minutes- October 2023:
Kevin made the motion to accept the minutes as written, Michelle seconded, and the motion was carried.
- Approval of Check Register- October 2023:
Merrill inquired about the Casella checks, asking if costs had risen since Triple T was gone, and why we had two checks in one week. Vicki explained that Casella absorbed the same contract that was signed with Triple T and that all the costs were the same. Anita explained that there was a billing issue with Casella and had held out a week’s payment to make sure the statement would coincide with WSWMD’s records.
Patrick made the motion to accept the October check register, Michelle seconded, and the motion was carried.
- Approval of Financial Statements- October 2023:
Vicki reported that October finished 6.3% ahead of budget with revenue at $156,000, which included $22,000 in RECs from Quarter 1 (FY 24) and a $5,000 grant from Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation (BDCC) to cover Steve Horton’s consulting fees for the CFE. She also reported that expenses were a bit higher as the Sterling truck had some maintenance issues and the HHW Depot paid for a cleanout. October ended with a $26,100 surplus but she warned again that the slower season is approaching. She happily reported that OCC had risen $5/ton to $98 for the month of November and was slowly creeping up.
Patrick made the motion to recommend the Board of Supervisors approve the financials for October 2023, Michelle seconded, and the motion was carried.
- Consider FY 25 Budget:
The Finance Committee met a few times in September and October to finalize the FY 25 budget. The committee had no changes and were satisfied with the 4% assessment. Vicki reminded the committee that once the public hearings had been completed, the budget would be brough forward to the BOS for final approval in December.
Michelle made a motion to recommend the FY 25 Budget and Capital Plan to be approved by the Board of Supervisors, Patrick seconded, and the motion was carried.
- Executive Session (if needed): None
- Other Business: Vicki recommended that the Finance Committee skip the December meeting and reconvene in January due to the Public Hearing planned for the FY 25 Budget. The Public Hearing will be scheduled for December 14th @ 6:30 PM.
- Next Meeting: Thursday, January 11, 2024 @ 6 PM
- Adjournment: 6:21 PM
Minutes prepared by:
Anita Grant
Office Manager & Operations Liaison/District Clerk