Finance Committee Meeting Minutes- 8/10/23

Windham Solid Waste Management District (WSWMD)

Brattleboro, Vermont

Finance Committee Meeting

Via ZOOM and In-Person

Minutes of August 10, 2023


Committee Members Present: Committee Chair-Merrill Mundell, Wilmington; Michelle Cherrier, Dummerston; Kevin Hughes, Westminster

Committee Members Absent: Patrick Moreland, Brattleboro; James Damato, Readsboro

WSWMD Staff Present: Robert Spencer, Executive Director; John Fay, Programs Manager; Vicki Hayes, Finance & Office Manager; Anita Grant, Administrative & Operations Assistant/District Clerk


Merrill called the meeting to order at 6:10 PM


  1. Changes and/or Additions to the Agenda: None


  1. Approval of Minutes- June 2023:

Michelle made the motion to accept minutes as written, Kevin seconded, and the motion was carried.


  1. Approval of Check Registers- June & July 2023:

There were no issues on the check registers. Merrill asked what SS was on the Casella check. It’s an abbreviated term for Single Stream Recycling disposal fees. Bob also pointed out that the July Brattleboro Savings & Loan payment was the final payment on the loader loan.

Michelle made the motion to accept both the June & July check registers, Kevin seconded, and the motion was carried.


  1. Approval of Financial Statements- June & July 2023:

June 2023: Vicki reported that the District finished fiscal year 23 with a surplus of $64,692.75 and attributed the 19% increase in revenue due to higher fees in May & June, and expenses were only 10% above budget. She recommended that the surplus be allocated to the Compost Facility Expansion (CFE), due to unforeseen legal fees that were not budgeted for. After some discussion, Merrill suggested that half of the surplus be allocated for the CFE, and the remaining half be put into the Facility’s Capital Plan- which has yet to be funded or completed.

Michelle made a motion to recommend to the Board of Supervisors designate the FY 23 Surplus of $64,692.75- allocating the amount of $32,346.37 into the Compost Facility Expansion and the remaining $32,346.38 to the FY 25 Facility Capital Plan, Kevin seconded, and the motion was carried.

July 2023: Vicki reported that the month finished with a $37,881.26 surplus. She cautioned that it was just the first month of the new fiscal year, and $170,000 in revenue is up 4% over budget, but she is still concerned about the hauling fees with Casella since the original budget was completed with a full-time driver on staff.

Michelle made the motion to recommend the Board of Supervisors approve the financials for both June & July 2023, Kevin seconded, and the motion was carried.


  1. Discuss Capital Plans:

Vicki relayed that Bob was having Steve Horton (Construction Consultant) assess the roof of the MRF/Office building and she didn’t want to discuss the Facilities Capital Plan until the assessment was completed. Bob also let the Committee know that WSWMD was applying for a Municipal Energy Resiliency Program (MERP) Grant which would do a thorough energy audit and fund 100% of energy-related costs up to $500,000. Until these two assessments are completed, Vicki wants to wait and see what equipment may or may not need funding prior to completing the plan.

Merrill asked about solar panels on the roof of the building, and Bob said he would investigate that option once the integrity of the roof was confirmed.


  1. Discuss Requirements for Two-Signature Checks:

A discussion centered around increasing the dollar amount from $5,000 to $7,500 for checks requiring two signatures. Due to inflation and the inability to secure two check signers in a timely manner, Vicki and Bob presented a valid case to the committee and after some talk, it was determined that an increase was justified. The committee determined that there were enough controls in place.

Michelle made a motion to recommend to the Board of Supervisors to increase the two-signature check amount from $5,000 to $7,500. Kevin seconded, and the motion was carried.


  1. Executive Session (if needed): None


  1. Other Business: None


  1. Next Meeting: Thursday, September 14, 2023, @ 5:30 PM


  1. Adjournment: 6:47 PM


Minutes prepared by:

Anita Grant


Administrative & Operations Assistant/District Clerk