NOVEMBER 30, 2017
COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Merrill Mundell, Chair,Wilmington; Jan Ameen, Westminster; Jim Damato, Readsboro: Tony Gordon, Marlboro: Cheryl Franklin, Guilford.
WSWMD STAFF PRESENT: Bob Spencer, Executive Director; Vicki Hayes, Office Manager/Bookkeeper; Kristen Benoit, District Clerk/Program Coordinator.
OTHERS PRESENT: Michelle Cherrier, Chair of BOS; David Jones, Brookline.
Mr. Mundell called to Meeting order at 6:05 p.m.
1) Changes and/or Additions to Agenda: None
2) Approval of Minutes from 11/9/17: Motion made, seconded, and carried to approve the Minutes of November 9, 2017.
3) Discuss FY19 Budget: The committee reviewed the proposed FY 19 Budget by line item. A list of assumptions made for each line was distributed and found to be very helpful. Market rates and revenue streams were discussed. Comparison to current volumes and potential sources for future growth was also discussed. Bob mentioned extending and revising contracts to lock in rates and materials. Some line items were adjusted. Expenses were reviewed, Tonnage was discussed in relation to disposal and hauling costs. Truck maintenance and electric costs were reviewed. Bob mentioned that there is a meeting to review our electrical usage with Green Mountain Power on 12/1. The impact of the solar contract will reduce these costs by 30%, that impact will be reflected in the next version of the budget. Possible merit increases were discussed.
There was also discussion regarding the PILOT agreement with Brattleboro. Jan said she may have time to meet with them.
The topic of solar lease income was considered. Bob, Jim, Merrill and Michelle had participated in a phone conference with the solar company on 11/29. They were assured that the project should be up and running by the end of June. With that assumption it was decided to include the lease revenue and set up a capital reserve with it.
Revisions will be made and another review of the numbers is scheduled for 12/5/17. The schedule for adoption of the budget is: Public Hearing and BOS monthly meeting 1/4/18.
4) Executive Session (if needed): None
5) Next Finance Committee Meeting: December 5th at 6PM.
6) Other Business as Legally Allowed: None
7) Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned @ 8:00 PM
Vicki Hayes
Office Manager/Bookkeeper