DRAFT MINUTES OF August 19, 2020
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Merrill Mundell, Chair Finance Committee, Wilmington; Patrick Moreland, Vice Chair, Brattleboro; Michelle Cherrier, Chair, Dummerston; Dan Toomey, Chair Policy and Personnel Committee, Putney.
WSWMD STAFF PRESENT: Bob Spencer, Executive Director; Vicki Hayes, Office Manager/Bookkeeper.
OTHERS PRESENT: Peter Gaskill, Triple T Trucking
Michelle called meeting to order at 5:00 P.M.
Vicki had a rollcall to confirm attendees
- Changes and/or Additions to Agenda: None
- Consider Contract Extension with Triple T Trucking:
Patrick moved to accept the contract as amended, Dan seconded.
Michelle made note of minimal price increases, and estimated tonnage of materials. There was discussion regarding the annual CPI increase included in the contract. There is a clause allowing another two-year extension. It was agreed to change the contract abbreviation of “OCC” to “old commercial cardboard.”
Motion was passed unanimously.
- Consider FY 20 Surplus:
Michelle made motion: “Designate the FY 20 Surplus of $52,595.27 (after audit adjustments), as of June 20, 2020 as follows:
$21,273 to designate for a new Capital Equipment Plan, and $31,322 to designate for additional Salary and Benefit needs in FY 21.”
Seconded by Patrick.
There was discussion regarding the original understanding that the surplus of FY 20 should be designated for the new Capital Equipment account, and that any Salary and Benefit variance should be covered within the current FY21 budget.
Michelle moved to amend the motion as follows: “Move to designate the FY 20 Surplus of $52, 595.27 (after audit adjustments) to the newly created Capital Equipment Fund.” Seconded by Patrick and motion passed unanimously.
It was noted that the above two items should be ratified by the Board of Supervisors at the September meeting.
- Executive Session: None
- Next Meeting: None scheduled.
- Other Business as Legally Allowed: Bob thanked the Board for its thoughtful and positive evaluation of his job performance.
- Adjourn: Meeting adjourned at 5:23 P.M.
Minutes by Vicki Hayes
District Clerk