Windham Solid Waste Management District (WSWMD)
Brattleboro, Vermont
Board of Supervisors Meeting
Via Zoom and In-person
Minutes of September 8, 2022
Members Present: (In-person & Zoom)
Chair: Michelle Cherrier, Dummerston; Vice Chair: Patrick Moreland, Brattleboro; Dan Towler, Brookline; Kevin Stine, Dover (alternate); Stephan Chait, Halifax (alternate); Doris Knechtel, Newfane; Dan Toomey, Putney; Irvin Stowell, Townshend; Sandra Rulewich, Vernon; Tom Guerino, Vernon (alternate)
Members Absent:
Michael Becker, Guilford; Daniel Ballioti, Dover; Lewis Sumner, Halifax; Jessica Pollack, Jamaica; Stillman Vonderhorst, Marlboro; Bob Matte, Readsboro; Rickey Harrington, Somerset; Kent Young, Stratton; Wardsboro: Vacant; Kevin Hughes, Westminster; Merrill Mundell, Wilmington
WSWMD Staff Present: Robert Spencer, Executive Director; John Fay, Programs & Operations Manager; Vicki Hayes, Finance & Office Manager; Anita Grant, Administrative & Operations Assistant/District Clerk
Joe Gobin, newly hired WSWMD Yard Foreman
Michelle asked and Anita performed a roll call of present members.
As a quorum was present Michelle called the meeting to order at 7:08 P.M.
At this time, Bob introduced Tom Guerino (Vernon alternate) and Joe Gobin (newly hired yard foreman for WSWMD) to the board and staff that were present.
- Changes and/or Additions to the Agenda: None
- Approval of Minutes from August 2022: There was no discussion.
Motion to accept the minutes from August 11, 2022, as presented; made by Irv, seconded by Patrick. One abstention, and the motion was carried.
- Approval of August 2022 Check Register: Vicki explained there were three checks listed on the check register for repairs made after a bird flew into the transformer, cutting out the power to the pole barn and compactor. She explained that these charges were submitted to the insurance company for reimbursement (less the deductible) and that the process had already been started.
Motion to approve the Check Register for August 2022; made by Patrick, seconded by Dan Toomey, and the motion was carried.
- Approval of Financial Statements for August 2022: Bob reviewed the highlights, explaining that expenses were still holding less than 1% over plan, and revenue was up 5% over plan through the end of August. Vicki cautioned that it’s also the beginning of the slow season and Bob also reported that access sticker sales were also very strong since May 1st (start of WSWMD renewal season).
A question was asked regarding the Building Lease Revenue line as no dollar amount has been reported on that line. Vicki explained there was an accounting error, and the number should be corrected by the next set of financials.
Motion to approve the Financial Statements for August 2022; made by Patrick, seconded by Irv, and the motion was carried.
- Yard Foreman Job Description Approval:
Dan Toomey (Chair of Policy & Personnel Committee) explained and commended the process of how the staff worked with the P&P Committee to create the job description for a new position at WSWMD. He indicated that the job was for a “working” yard foreman and it’s not an administrative position. Bob explained how this new position will replace the transfer station operator/truck driver position for now, and the new person could become a CDL driver. A major goal is to have the foreman find ways to run the yard more efficiently. He also said there would be some no cost training thanks to the Addison SWD offering to provide training of our foreman with their highly experienced foreman at their similar transfer station in Middlebury, and at our transfer station. The P&P Committee drafted the final version on 8/17/22 for final approval.
Irv made a motion to approve the Yard Foreman Job Description, Michelle seconded, and the motion was carried.
- Remaining Surplus Allocation: The Board of Supervisors voted in June of 2022 to designate up to $200,000 of the FY 22 Surplus for the compost facility expansion. Vicki reported that the surplus may exceed that amount by approximately $24,000, subject to completion of our audit. Bob and Vicki recommend that the additional money also be designated for the expansion rather than into the capital account. It was discussed that having that excess applied to the compost expansion would be a better use of the surplus at this time, and several board members agreed.
Michelle made a motion to designate any remaining FY 22 Surplus to be used for the compost facility expansion project. Patrick seconded, and the motion was carried.
- Tour of Casella/Rutland MRF: Bob asked interested board members to email him to join the next round of visitors to the Rutland MRF. A tentative date of 9/30/22 was discussed as a possible alternative to the 9/15 date first discussed. The dates and itinerary will be discussed via email.
- Program Manager’s Report:
- Transfer Station signs: John showed several new signs the staff designed and had constructed to replace outdated, worn, or missing signs with a goal of improving operations at 8 transfer stations. Signs have been delivered to Dover and Wilmington, and the rest will be delivered soon. The Towns are responsible for installing the signs. He explained that all the signage costs were absorbed by the USDA grant and were done at no cost to the towns.
- USDA Grant: John reported that the current USDA grant would have ended on 9/30/22. John had filed for a no-cost extension and was granted an extra twelve months to complete the grant tasks. No additional funds would be provided, but the outreach could be completed by the end of the calendar year without any repercussion.
- Future Grants: John encouraged the board and its members to come up with ideas for the next USDA grant application that will be submitted by the end of December. Some preliminary ideas were tossed out such as Tetra pack and plastic film recycling, and creating a program for unwanted/unused and/or expired prescriptions.
- Executive Director’s Report:
- Triple T Contract: Bob informed the board that the third two-year extension of the contract for hauling, and disposal of trash, C&D, and recyclables was signed by Norman Mallory, owner of Triple T, and Michelle, and in place as of September 1, 2022. He also indicated that after this extension expires, the contract must go out to public bid.
- Medium Facility Permit: Bob discussed the lengthy permitting process he and John worked on to increase the facility capacity from a small to medium size composting operation. Some board members were interested in seeing this application, and Bob said he would give portal access or email the application to interested parties.
- USDA Community Facilities Grant: Bob said he’s still waiting to hear back about the “USDA Community Facilities Grant” but that it could pay up to $150,000 towards the project and they are still on track for phase one to break ground in April 2023. Bob also discussed a new EPA grant that will focus on community recycling infrastructure and could be another source of funding for the compost expansion.
- Vernon Transfer station: Bob, Sandra Rulewich and Shelly Walker (Vernon Town Administrator) went on a road trip to tour the local smaller scale transfer stations to see potential set ups for a transfer station in Vernon. Vernon currently has curbside trash/recycling collection, but Bob has started work with Tom and Sandra on a feasibility report for Vernon to have their own transfer station.
- Scale closed: Bob informed the board that the entire facility will be closed on Tuesday, September 13 for truck scale preventative maintenance. It was more cost-effective to close for one day than have the technicians get paid overtime for working on the weekend or after hours. Signs and our website have been informing customers of the closure for the past two weeks.
- Executive Session: None needed
- Other Business: Nothing discussed
- Next Meeting: Thursday, October 13, 2022 @ 7pm
- Adjournment: Irv made the motion to adjourn, and Patrick seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 7:58 P.M.
Minutes prepared by
Anita Grant
Administrative & Operations Assistant/District Clerk