Board of Supervisors Approved Minutes- 8/11/22

Windham Solid Waste Management District (WSWMD)

Brattleboro, Vermont

Board of Supervisors Meeting

Via Zoom and In-person

 Minutes of August 11, 2022


Members Present: (In-person & Zoom): Dan Toomey, Putney; Irvin Stowell, Townshend; Sandra Rulewich, Vernon; Jim Damato, Readsboro (Alternate), Merrill Mundell, Wilmington; Chair: Michelle Cherrier, Dummerston; Jessica Pollack, Jamaica; Kevin Hughes, Westminster; Stephan Chait, Halifax (alternate)


Members Absent:Vice Chair: Patrick Moreland, Brattleboro; Michael Becker, Guilford; Daniel Ballioti, Dover; Stillman Vonderhorst, Marlboro; Rickey Harrington, Somerset; Kent Young, Stratton; Wardsboro: Empty Seat; Dan Towler, Brookline; Kevin Stine, Dover Alternate; Lewis Sumner, Halifax, Doris Knechtel Newfane


WSWMD Staff Present: Robert Spencer, Executive Director; John Fay, Programs & Operations Manager; Vicki Hayes, Finance & Office Manager.


Michelle asked and Vicki performed a roll call of present members.

As a quorum was present Michelle called the meeting to order at 7:08 P.M.


  1. Changes and/or Additions to the Agenda: None


  1. Approval of Minutes from June 9, 2022: There was no discussion.


Motion to accept the minutes from June 9, 2022, as presented; made by Jim, seconded by Irvin. Three abstentions, and motion carried.


  1. Approval of June 2022 and July 2022 Check Registers: There was no discussion and no questions. Bob pointed out that we would be getting Grant funds for 60% of the Pole-barn cost.


Motion to approve the Check Registers for June and July 2022; made by Jim, seconded by Dan. Motion carried.


  1. Approval of Financial Statements for June and July 2022: Vicki gave a brief overview on both months, explained that Finance has put further discussion on surplus for FY 2022 until we can verify if prior recommendations are on file. There were no further discussions.

Motion to approve the Financial Statements for June and July 2022; made by Jim, seconded by Dan. Motion carried.



  1. Triple T Contract Amendment: Bob explained that the District is in the process of signing the 3rd extension on the Triple T contract.  This new pricing will include coverage for hauling that was done by our in-house truck driver.  This includes some new pricing; hauling our trash, single stream and C&D boxes was $100.00 per pull and return will now increase to $125.00, if diesel pricing should exceed $6.00 per gallon, this price will increase to $135.00 per pull.  Disposal pricing will also be changing; trash and C&D was $105.00 per ton and will increase to $113.00.  Single Stream disposal includes a cost to haul to Rutland of $35.00 per ton and will increase to $55.00 per ton, plus the Casella tip fee, which changes monthly.

As these price increases are not unexpected, we will be going forward with the extension.




6.  Compost Facility Expansion -Funding and State Permit: Bob reiterated that we must expand and seek the next level permit, or we will have to turn away our customers. We are currently pursuing a Community Facilities grant for approximately $150k.  We just received news that our Congressional Directed Spending

Advanced by Senator Sanders, has been denied. We have enough funding for phase one of the project and will continue pursue additional grants as they become available.  John and Bob have been pursuing the state permit revision and expect to see approval in October as we have demonstrated the intended expansion.


     7. PFAS and Compost Quality: Bob reviewed the PFAS and Compost issue as it has been in the news lately and Mass Natural has been shut down because of it.  We considered having our compost tested but there are no values to measure against at this time.  After speaking with legal counsel familiar with this it was recommended, we not test at this time.  Vicki and Bob have asked VLCT to look into insurance to cover pollution as our current policy excludes it.  They have not located a broker at this time.


  1. Programs Manager Report: The HHW events in Wilmington and Readsboro were successful.  Wilmington had 45 cars and Readsboro had 15.  The Readsboro event was in conjunction with Bennington.


A bird was fried at the power pole, which resulted in a loss of power to the pole barn as it triggered damage to our panel.  The main breaker and bus needed to be replaced.  This will cost about $3,000.00, for which Vicki and Bob will seek insurance reimbursement.


We have been pleased with the hauling Triple T has done for us since we lost our CDL driver.

We are looking into replacing our forklift as per the Capital Plan.  We are looking at a slightly used Clark as it will take over a year to get a new one.  We are asking for this machine be fitted with clamping forks as we are unable to move cardboard bales with the type currently on the machine


USDA Outreach: Alex has been at the Brattleboro Farmers Market and doing outreach with customers and farmers.  We have been generating signs for the transfer station towns and will be delivering them over the next few weeks.  We are also creating 5 videos under this grant.  Bob is working with Vernon on a feasibility analysis for siting a transfer station or fast trash.  We are currently looking to extend this grant to the end of the year so we can do more workshops in the schools and keep the momentum going.


  1. Executive Director’s Report: Bob informed the Board that we are creating a new position for a Working Foreman for the Yard. We are using the existing CDL position which is currently vacant for this.  Any other position adds to be discussed during the budget creation.  We are submitting the position description to the Policy and Personnel Committee on the 17th of August for review and recommendation to the Board for approval.


Casella is again offering tours of the Rutland location.  Bob will send an email to see who may be interested.


Greenbacker has been taking care of needed repairs in the solar field.   This is a great partnership.


Cardboard pricing is dropping again.  The price of OCC just dropped from $153.00 a ton to $133.00 a ton.

Single Stream just increased $1.00.


  1. Executive Session (if needed): None


  1. Next Meeting: Thursday September 8th @ 7:00PM.


  1. Other Business: Jessica Pollack has agreed to join the Policy and Personnel Committee.


  1. Adjournment: Jim made the motion to adjourn, and Irvin seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 8:27 PM.


Minutes prepared by


 Vicki Hayes

Finance and Office Manager