Board of Supervisors Approved Minutes 5/12/22

Windham Solid Waste Management District (WSWMD)

Brattleboro, Vermont

Board of Supervisors Meeting

Via Zoom and In-person

 Minutes of May 12, 2022


Members Present: (In-person & Zoom)

Chair: Michelle Cherrier, Dummerston; Vice Chair: Patrick Moreland, Brattleboro; Lewis Sumner, Halifax Stephan Chait, Halifax Alternate; Dan Toomey, Putney; Kevin Hughes, Westminster; Merrill Mundell, Wilmington; Irvin Stowell, Townshend; Dan Towler, Brookline; Kevin Stine, Dover Alternate; Sandra Rulewich, Vernon.


Members Absent:

Michael Becker, Guilford; Daniel Ballioti, Dover; Jessica Pollack, Jamaica; Stillman Vonderhorst, Marlboro; Doris Knechtel, Newfane; Jim Damato, Readsboro; Rickey Harrington, Somerset; Kent Young, Stratton; Wardsboro: Empty Seat


WSWMD Staff Present: Robert Spencer, Executive Director; John Fay, Programs & Operations Manager; Vicki Hayes, Finance & Office Manager; Anita Grant, Administrative & Operations Assistant/District Clerk


Michelle announced that the meeting is recorded and is a public record and available to anyone.

Anita performed a roll call of present members.

As a quorum was present Michelle called the meeting to order at 7:03 P.M.


  1. Changes and/or Additions to the Agenda: None


  1. Update on Wardsboro Supervisor Appointment: Michelle wanted to update the board that the Wardsboro Supervisor seat has still not been filled and will be discussed at Wardsboro’s town meeting in May 2022.


  1. Approval of Minutes of April 14, 2022: There was no discussion.


Motion to accept the minutes of April 14, 2022, as presented; made by Merrill, seconded by Patrick. One abstention, and motion carried.


  1. Approval of April 2022 Check Register: There was no discussion.


Motion to approve the Check Register for April 2022; made by Merrill, seconded by Lewis. Motion carried.


  1. Approval of Financial Statements for April 2022: Vicki announced a record surplus for the month of April, over $236,926.50 (27% over budget) due to grant monies received, increased compost sales, increase in recyclables sold (cardboard), Greenbacker REC (renewed energy credit) payments, and expenses holding tight at 6% over budget. Both Patrick and Merrill very happy with the current financial status. Vicki warned that this is unusual, inflation was not budgeted for, and this surplus could be short-lived.


Motion to approve the Financial Statements for April 2022; made by Patrick, seconded by Dan Toomey. Motion carried.


  1. Opening of Household Hazardous Waste Depot (HHW Depot): John reported that the HHW Depot opened its season successfully on May 5th, staffed by Anita and Thomas and served 16 households. The Depot will also be open for the first Saturday of the season on May 14th.

There will also be two remote HHW Collections, Saturday, July 16th  in Wilmington by the tennis courts and Saturday, July 23rd in Readsboro. The Wilmington event will be staffed by WSWMD, and open to all residents of WSWMD towns.  The Readsboro event will be held by Bennington County, for Readsboro residents only and WSWMD will pay a small participation fee.


  1. Status of Pole Barn Enclosure: The pole barn wall was completed by Jason Evans Construction, 60% funded by ANR grant to enclose the electronics, HHW, and books from the elements. John showed the translucent panels that the walls were topped with to keep the enclosure well-lit. Plans include painting the unfinished side as the good weather progresses.


  1. Consider Pre-Payment of Loader Loan in June 2022: Due to rising inflation, the Finance Committee recommended that the loan stay in place as our dollars are worth more now than they will be and there’s no significant financial impact making the loan payments.


  1. USDA Community Facilities Grant for Compost Facility Expansion (Plan A): Bob explained how the USDA Grant, if awarded would still leave us short money to expand the facility. Grant recipients will not be released until September of 2022, and the money would not be awarded until at least the spring of 2023.


  1. Congressionally Direct Spending for Compost Facility Expansion (Plan A): Bob thanked the towns for their letters of support, as well as Triple T and Goodenough Rubbish. He explained that Senator Sanders’ office had reported that WSWMD’s application had been forwarded to the Appropriations Committee who is headed by Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin. Bob spent a lot of time applying for the earmarked funding.


  1. Compost Facility Expansion (Plan B): Plan B was discussed in a little more detail, as it’s a partial plan to phase in the expansion in three years vs. Plan A which is all done at once. Plan B would put the facility in compliance with the DEC for our compost capacity.

 Discussions centered around contracts for haulers to ensure there would be contracted sources of organics to justify the expansion.  Bob explained that WSWMD does not  have contracts for food scraps with our haulers, except for contracts with Brattleboro and Triple T for curbside organics. Bob will work with WSWMD’s attorney to further research contract possibilities with the organics haulers.

Michelle instructed the Board to keep in mind that WSWMD would need them committed to fund the money if the capacity is exceeded for the third year in a row. Otherwise, more organics sources would need to be turned away and the facility downgraded if the field is not expanded.


  1. Program Manager’s Report:


  • USDA Grant: John discussed that Anita and Alex have come up with a school workshop called “Where is Away?” that is ready to be disseminated to area schools. The workshop teaches separation of recyclables and compostable products from the landfill.
  • John also discussed outreach for backyard composting, future compost workshops, upcoming videos on “how to use” the WSWMD facility.
  • John asked the Board representatives if they knew of any businesses or transfer stations needing any support from WSWMD to reach out. Anita and Alex have been in touch with the transfer stations and are working on signs, etc.



  1. Executive Director’s Report:


  • Compost Marketing: Bob discussed our newest distributor; Allen Brothers Farm from Westminster has been added and has been purchasing compost regularly. In April, 500 cubic yards of compost were sold to distributors, and the season is just getting started. Bob and Anita also sent out letters to landscapers, excavators, and town highway/DPW departments. Bob also asked the board representatives to inquire if their towns would be interested in our compost and topsoil.
  • Landfill inspection: Bob reported that there would be a landfill inspection on Friday, May 13th, funded by Greenbacker.
  • Review of Transfer Station Fees: Bob reported that we were bound by the charter to review fees and they would be reviewed at the June Board meetings.
  • Book Recycling: Bob investigated an alternative book recycler, Thriftbooks out of Maryland, but decided against changing from Roundabout Books as Roundabout supplies us with gaylords, pallets and has been a great local resource for our book collection. Although Thriftbooks would pay per pound, the cost of the supplies outweighed the benefit of the $.05/lb they were offering.
  • Alan Patridge Enterprises: Alan Patridge, a long-time hauler and customer will be turning over his customers to other haulers, and partially retiring in July 2022.
  • NRRA Conference: Bob announced he will be speaking at the Northeast Resource Recovery Association conference in Manchester, NH on May 16 & 17th, 2022.


  1. Executive Session (if needed): None


  1. Next Meeting: Thursday, June 9th @ 7:00 pm.


  1. Other Business: None


  1. Adjournment: Lewis made the motion to adjourn and Merill seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm.


 Minutes prepared by:


 Anita Grant

 Administrative & Operations Assistant/District Clerk