Windham Solid Waste Management District (WSWMD)
Brattleboro, Vermont
Board of Supervisors Meeting
Draft Minutes of March 11, 2021
Members Present: Michelle Cherrier, Chair, Dummerston; Patrick Moreland, Vice Chair, Brattleboro; Dan Toomey, Putney; Sandra Rulewich, Vernon; Nancy Meinhard, Wardsboro; Russell Hodgkins, Westminster; Merrill Mundell, Wilmington; Greg Meulemans, Jamaica; Doris Knechtel, Newfane; David Jones, Brookline; Kevin Stine, Dover; Cara Cheyette, Halifax (alt).
Members Absent: Michael Becker, Guilford; Stillman Vonderhorst, Marlboro; Rickey Harrington, Somerset; Kent Young, Stratton; Lewis Sumner, Halifax; Jim Damato, Readsboro; Irvin Stowell, Townshend.
WSWMD Staff Present: Robert Spencer, Executive Director; Vicki Hayes, Office Manager/Bookkeeper/District Clerk; John Fay, Programs Manager.
Others Present: None
Vicki performed a roll call, as a quorum was present Michelle called the meeting to order at 7:01 P.M.
1. Changes and/or Additions to the Agenda: None
2. Approval of Minutes– January 14,2021: Motion was made to accept the minutes by Patrick, Merrill seconded. The motion was carried and one abstention.
3. Approval of Check Register– January & February 2021: Patrick noted the Check # 28281 to Heritage Environmental, and that there was an additional charge coming for waste left behind. It was also mentioned that the cost of the gutters came in under the original estimate and the project is now completed. Motion was made by Patrick to accept the check registers of January and February 2021, seconded by Doris. Motion was carried.
4. Approval of Financial Statements – January & February 2021: Vicki did a quick recap on the results for February. She noted that we are still holding a surplus. The renewable energy credits are favorable to budget, and we expect to receive funds for two more quarters. We have also received grant funds for SWIP, LGER for COVID reimbursement, and HHW Depot. Vicki also mentioned that we sold a MRF conveyor and received $2,500. Merrill moved to accept the Financial Statements for January & February 2021, Sandra seconded, and the motion was carried.
5. Approval of Roll-Off Committee Memo: Bob gave a brief recap on the process behind this memo. Dan Richardson gave his legal opinion and put in some legal language and has offered to set up a Bill of Sale if needed. Merrill made a motion to approve the memo. Further discussion commenced on the need to include a termination date of the existing MOU. June 30, 2021 was the consensus for date. Also discussed was a need to add a signature line to decline the offer of transfer. Return of the roll-offs would be at town expense. Bob agreed to make the appropriate changes in the document. Russ seconded the motion with agreed upon changes. The motion was carried.
6. Update on Fee Analysis: Vicki briefly discussed the current project to review our fees. It is a periodical requirement in the Charter. We are doing a fully loaded review including hauling and overhead costs. The results should be available for the April meeting. Patrick requested, if possible, to send the spreadsheet out before the meeting package.
7. New Compost Site: Bob discussed the process John, and he have been going through on the compost capacity issue. He reviewed the proposals and discussions that have ensued with Long Falls Paperboard, Allard Lumber, and Walker Roofing. All have declined the proposal for a second site. They are currently in discussions with Howe property owners on Old Ferry Road. Patrick and Michelle discussed the need for legislative change to fix the capacity issue. Patrick and Michelle will work with Bob to discuss with legislature, probably not a near term solution.
8. Programs Manager Report: John reviewed where the District is on the HHW Depot. It is expected that the Depot will improve service to the District. He anticipates a May 1st soft opening, by invitation only. He has been meeting with other Vermont solid waste districts that operate an HHW Depot on their site to gather tips and guidance. John is currently getting ready to order needed supplies and equipment which will be covered 60% by the grant. We currently have four staff members OSHA HAZWOPER trained, Bob, John, Anita, and Dick.
John and Bob have been working with the towns on the USDA Technical Assistance Grant to improve recycling and composting services. He and Bob have visited all 7 town transfer stations and talked with the attendants. They have also visited the three towns with 24-7 recycling drop-off sites. The District is assisting with website info, signage, educational literature, and financial analysis.
John submitted an application to the VT DEC Materials Management Infrastructure Grant on March 10th. This is a $75,000 proposal for composting and recycling equipment, and we have applied for funds to purchase a new backhoe, a roll-off, a food scrap dumpster, and installation of weather resistant walls around the pole barn open area.
John and Anita are also working on improving the District website, with the possibility of hiring a firm to assist in revamping the look and functioning of the site and a new logo.
9. Executive Director Report: Bob discussed the need to work around the compost capacity issues. He is working with a local farmer to utilize the VT Bread loads as feed for cows, which will reduce the total volume of food waste processed at our compost site. The farm will pay for us to haul the food waste to the farm.
Bob mentioned that we had begun screening compost. He has contacted our four distributors to renew their interest and discuss the new pricing for this year. We have already sold 50 cubic yards.
We expect to have an open house this spring for the Back Yard Demo Area. He will contract with Athena Lee Bradley to assist.
He spoke about the ads that have been placed to sell more of the specialized MRF equipment and possibly rent out some of the vacant building. Kevin asked if we could use any of the building to assist with the compost capacity issue. Bob explained that it is not a viable option.
Bob also noted that Sky Solar has removed the two generators, and the land is now available for our use.
He also mentioned that the office staff will probably begin to return to the office in May as most, if not all, of the staff will be vaccinated.
10. Executive Session: None
11. Next Meeting: April 8, 2021 @ 7:00 P.M.
12. Other Business: Vicki reminded everyone that the April meeting is our reorganization, and that everyone needs to get their appointments from their Select Boards into the office.
13. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 8:33 P.M.
Minutes submitted by,
Vicki Hayes
District Clerk