Board of Supervisors Meeting-10/8/2020–Approved Minutes

Windham Solid Waste Management District (WSWMD)

Brattleboro, Vermont

Board of Supervisors Meeting


Approved Minutes of October 8, 2020


Members Present: Patrick Moreland, Vice Chair, Brattleboro; Russell Hodgkins, Westminster; Merrill Mundell, Wilmington; Michelle Cherrier, Chair, Dummerston; Kevin Stine, Dover; Greg Meulemans, Jamaica; Doris Knechtel, Newfane; Dan Toomey, Putney; Irvin Stowell,

Townshend; Sandra Ruelwich, Vernon.

Committee Members Absent: James Damato, Readsboro; David Jones, Brookline; Michael Becker, Guilford; Lewis Sumner, Halifax; Stillman Vonderhorst, Marlboro; Rickey Harrington, Somerset; Kent Young, Stratton; Nancy Meinhard, Wardsboro.

WSWMD Staff Present: Robert Spencer, Executive Director; Vicki Hayes, Office Manager/Bookkeeper/District Clerk; John Fay, Programs Manager.

Others Present: Kim Nace, and Abe Noe-Hayes, Rich Earth Institute.

Michelle called the meeting to order at 7:02 P.M. There was a roll call of members and a quorum was present.

  1. Changes and/or Additions to the Agenda: Vicki requested that REI be moved up in the agenda. Michelle placed it at number 2.
  2. Rich Earth Institute Lease: Kim and Abe recapped the changes in the lease agreement. Kim explained that they are under a time crunch to get this finalized for their USDA grant to help pay for purchase of the building. Michelle and Merrill said that the Finance Committee had conducted an extensive review of the proposed terms, and the following items were identified: Article 3 needs a closing date of May 11, 2034; Article 4 should include an annual CPI escalator; add a section to have the land under the electrical generator revert to WSWMD ownership; and have Bob to talk to Sky to obtain a legal agreement to have the electrical generator removed.

Rich Earth Institute was agreeable to the proposed changes. Patrick agreed to draft the verbiage for CPI.

Patrick made a motion to have the Executive Committee review and approve the amended lease, Doris seconded, and motion carried.

  1. Approval of Minutes of September 10, 2020: Merrill made a motion to approve the minutes of September 10, 2020 as submitted, Russ seconded. There was no discussion, motion carried. There was two abstentions, Irv and Kevin.
  1. Approval of Check Register – September 2020: There being no questions, Doris made a motion to approve the check register of September 2020, Merrill seconded, and motion carried with one abstention, Irv.
  1. Approval of Financial Statement – September 2020: Vicki recapped the current results: the continuing budget surplus; and RECs (Renewable Energy Credits) revenue. She and Bob acknowledged the good working relationship they have with Greenbacker. Bob informed the Board that Greenbacker has recently made considerable investments in improving the operation of the solar field. He informed the Board that the annual lease payment of $122,000, plus the estimated RECs of $143,000 per year for the next three years due to a contract Greenbacker has for the RECs, indicates the District will be receiving over $250,000 per year in revenue from the solar project.

Merrill made a motion approve the financial statement, Dan seconded, and the motion carried.

  1. HHW Collections in Brattleboro and Wilmington on October 24th: John gave a recap on the two upcoming HHW collections, and the possibility of volume increases due to Covid clean outs. Bob pointed out the District has $39,000 of grant funds from VT DEC to apply to the HHW program. He also said these could be the last HHW events for the District since it is anticipated the permanent drop-off HHW depot should be opening next spring, subject to a state permit approval, and that application has been submitted.

John also discussed the new backyard compost demo area, a project Athena initiated, and his intention to have an open house on Saturday October 17th. John also discussed the revised SWIP which has been submitted to VT DEC for approval, which will be good for 5 years, the required letter we received from the Windham Regional Commission confirming the SWIP is consistent with the Windham Regional Plan, and the two public hearings. Vicki suggested having the SWIP and budget hearing at the same time and will work with John to make that happen. Sandra expressed her appreciation for the two backyard composting workshops conducted in Vernon in September, something that was very appreciated by residents considering the removal of the food waste dumpsters. John and Anita presented to a total of 17 residents. John thanked Sandra for introducing them and then staying after the evening workshop ended to shine her car headlights as they took down the tent in the dark and the rain!

  1. Salary and Wage Study: Patrick recapped the discussion at the Finance Committee and explained that there were two employees significantly below comparable salaries. One has been rectified, and the other should be taken care of before the FY22 Budget. This will put the District in a better position to attract strong candidates in the future. Patrick expressed his concern on how to operationally implement the plan going forward. Bob will contact Carol of MRI to have a meeting with the District to discuss options to implement the new salary structure. Dan asked that he get copies of the Performance Review and Job Description templates. Vicki agreed to send them in the morning as she had just received them herself.
  2. Executive Session: None.
  1. Next Meeting: The next meeting will be held on November 12, 2020 at 7:00 P.M. Vicki explained that per VT Covid requirements based on the square footage of a meeting room, she calculated we can have up to 6 persons in the conference room. One Board member has already indicated he will come to the office, as will Bob, so there are 4 openings. This will be in conjunction to the ZOOM meeting. Vicki will send an email for signup.
  1. Other Business: There was discussion on the need to keep the ZOOM recordings of the meetings. Vicki and Bob will see how much room they take up on the office server and will contact VLCT on the need to retain.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:58 P.M.

Minutes submitted by


Vicki Hayes

District Clerk