BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Michelle Cherrier, Chair, Dummerston; Patrick Moreland, Brattleboro; Lewis Sumner, Halifax; Greg Meulemans, Jamaica; Dan Toomey, Putney; James Damato, Readsboro; Irvin Stowell, Townshend; Russ Hodgkins, Westminster; Nancy Meinhard, Wardsboro; and Merrill Mundell, Wilmington
BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Peter Elwell, Brattleboro; David Jones, Brookline; Daniel Baliotti, Dover; Kevin Stine, Dover; Lester Dunklee, Dummerston; Sheila Morse, Guilford; Cheryl Franklin, Guilford; Cara Cheyette, Halifax; Tony Gordon, Marlboro; Stillman Vonderhorst, Marlboro; Shannon Meckle, Newfane; Mike Fitzpatrick, Newfane; Robert Matte, Readsboro; Kent Young, Stratton; Christopher Parker, Vernon; Emily Vergobbe, Vernon; and Tom Consolino, Wilmington
WSWMD STAFF PRESENT: Bob Spencer, Executive Director; Athena Lee Bradley, Programs Manager; and Minnie Boadu-Bennett, District Clerk
Ms. Cherrier called meeting to order at 7:03 PM.
- Demonstration of New Trommel Screen: The board took a brief recess to witness the new Komptech Primus trommel screen in operation. Mr. Petrie demonstrated the equipment and Bob explained various aspects about how the screen relates to his current efforts in compost marketing.
- Changes and/or Additions to Agenda: None.
- Approval of Minutes— April 11, 2019:
Mr. Damato moved to approve the draft minutes of April 11, 2019. Ms. Meinhard seconded, and the minutes were approved as amended. (10 votes)
- Approval of Check Register— April 2019:
Mr. Damato moved to approve the April check register, Mr. Sumner seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. (10 votes)
- Approval of Financial Report— April 2019: Mr. Spencer summarized takeaways from the Financial Report and the finance committee’s discussion.
Mr. Moreland moved to approve the April financial report as presented, Mr. Hodgkins seconded, and the motion passed unanimously (10 votes).
- Consider Financing Options for Payment on Trommel Screen and Authorize Executive Board to Approve Final Contract: Mr. Mundell recapped the discussion of financing options from the finance committee earlier and offered the committee’s recommendation to borrow internally from the post-closure fund with a four-year term. Mr. Spencer and Ms. Cherrier will research the previous structure for this kind of internal borrowing. Mr. Spencer noted that since his hiring he has worked to reduce post-closure related expenses.
Mr. Moreland moved to approve internal loan over four years, Mr. Damato seconded, and the motion passed unanimously (10 votes).
- Designation of Authorized District Check Signatories:
Ms. Cherrier moved to add Mr. Moreland to the list of authorized signatories, which is additionally compromised of Mr. Toomey. Mr. Damato and Ms. Cherrier. Mr. Hodgkins seconded, and the motion passed. (10 votes) Ms. Cherrier will inform these supervisors once the paperwork has begun.
- Finance and Personnel/Policy Committee Appointments: Signup sheets were passed around and the new committee membership is as follows:
Finance: Mr. Moreland, Mr. Hodgkins, Mr. Mundell and Mr. Damato
Policy/Personnel: Ms. Cherrier, Ms. Meinhard, Mr. Toomey and Mr. Sumner
- Consider Need for June Meeting: The board discussed the need for a June Meeting. Mr. Spencer and Ms. Bennett will be absent, as well as Mr. Meulemans. Mr. Moreland brought up the need to approve any recommended fee changes. Regarding resident fees, Ms. Meinhard brought a request from Wardsboro to consolidate transaction fees. Mr. Mundell suggested the finance committee would be redundant if the supervisors are primarily discussing the fee recommendations. Mr. Meulemans pointed out that quorum may be tenuous. Ultimately, the board decided to continue with a June 13th meeting as planned.
- Consider Contract with Heritage Environmental Services for HHW Collection Events: Ms. Bradley updated the board on the reference review for Heritage Environmental Services and summarized the negotiation process for securing a 3-year contract for HHW collection within WSWMD’s HHW budget. The contract has 2 one-year extension options.
Mr. Mundell moved to authorize Ms. Cherrier to sign the HHW collection contract with Heritage Environmental Services, Mr. Damato seconded, and the motion passed unanimously (10 votes).
Mr. Spencer commended Ms. Bradley’s work on securing this contract.
- June 1 HHW Collections in Townshend and Vernon: These collections will be held 8 am to 12 pm.
- Town of Winhall Withdrawal Cost Payment Status: Mr. Spencer addressed the ongoing situation with the Town of Winhall regarding their payment. Per Winhall’s own legal agreement, the withdrawal cost of $7,024.60 by July 1, 2019.
- Programs Manager Report: Ms. Bradley reported on: submitting the final reimbursement for the SWIP grant; working with the Brattleboro Food Coop, Commonwealth Dairy and the Landmark College facilities director; walkarounds at non-compliant sites; new hauler and caretaker permits; presenting on community composting at the Strolling of the Heifers Brown Bag Lunch series and performing site visits for attendees; working with the Putney Farmers Market on mini composting workshops; onsite composting for the Retreat Farm community garden; progress on the new website; her review of the latest ANR Materials Management Plan which will be used to develop our next SWIP; collaborating with Mr. Spencer on compost marketing; continued school outreach and completing Wardsboro Central School recommendations; the success of local zero-waste events and new sign-out forms for our zero-waste stations; entering into conversation with the Brattleboro Time Trade to setup a “Repair Café” to reduce/delay disposal; and increased social media engagement.
- Executive Director Report: Mr. Spencer reported on: new WSWMD compost distributors, we now have 7 total across 3 states; ~700 cubic yards of compost sold thus far, we are on track for greater sales; attending a workshop for town highway foremen in Bennington; and a future workshop on using compost co-hosted by Windham Regional Commission and WSWMD. Mr. Moreland asked about adjusting the sale price for compost, Mr. Spencer said a suitable price increase has already been planned in the FY 20 budget. Mr. Damato asked about feedstock sources and Mr. Spencer reviewed both new and prospective sources including: Long Falls PaperBoard, Badger Balm, and Northeast Production. Next, Mr. Spencer reported on: collecting Green Up Day waste; a $54/ton drop in cardboard price; upcoming solar repair work; payment from SSH for RECs sold; and legislative updates including the potential loosening curbside compost requirements and the possibility of plastic bag, straw and Styrofoam bans. Mr. Mundell noted concern about sanitation issues that may arise from unwashed reusable bags. Mr. Damato asked about the containers distributed to the towns after WSWMD ended recycling operations. Mr. Mundell asked about the possibility of Whitingham residents attending WSWMD HHW collections for an additional fee, Mr. Spencer explained that the board could decide to allow that in the future. Mr. Mundell also asked if the Rescue Squad could dispose of ~500 needles through the district, Ms. Bradley will get a quote for this estimated volume.
- Executive Session (if needed): None.
- Other Business as Legally Allowed: Ms. Cherrier explained the need for an emergency Policy/Personnel Committee meeting to establish the committee chair and finalize membership of the Executive Board.
- Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.
Minnie Boadu-Bennett, District Clerk