Minutes Board of Supervisors Meeting 11-14-19





SUPERVISORS PRESENT: Michelle Cherrier, Chair, Dummerston; Patrick Moreland, Brattleboro; Michael Becker, Guilford; Greg Meulemans, Jamaica; Dan Toomey, Putney; Doris Knechtel, Newfane; Irvin Stowell, Townshend; Russ Hodgkins, Westminster; Nancy Meinhard, Wardsboro; and Merrill Mundell, Wilmington.

SUPERVISORS ABSENT: Peter Elwell, Brattleboro; David Jones, Brookline; Daniel Balliotti, Dover; Kevin Stine, Dover;; Cheryl Franklin, Guilford; Cara Cheyette, Halifax; Lewis Sumner, Halifax; Stillman Vonderhorst, Marlboro; Mike Fitzpatrick, Newfane; James Damato, Readsboro; Kent Young, Stratton; Christopher Parker, Vernon; Vernon.

WSWMD STAFF PRESENT: Bob Spencer, Executive Director; Athena Lee Bradley, Programs Manager

OTHERS PRESENT: Michael Cammenga, Principal, and Gabriela Constantin, Process Engineer, Long Falls Paperboard; Abraham Noe-Hayes, John Hatton, and Kim Nace, Rich Earth Institute

Ms. Cherrier called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM.

Changes and/or Additions to Agenda: Ms. Cherrier moved the Long Falls Paperboard, and BOE Lease, to #2, and #3 on agenda.

Presentation by Long Falls Paperboard about interest in purchasing all of WSWMD’s cardboard, and contracting with WSWMD to compost its paper sludge now that VT DEC has approved the paper sludge for composting at WSWMD.

Discussion with Rich Earth Institute about their interest in purchasing the BOE lease from Sky Solar.

Approval of Minutes – October 10, 2019:

The minutes were approved.

Approval of Check Register – October 2019: The register was approved.

Approval of Financial Report – October 2019:

The financial report was approved.

Appointment of Wendy M. Levy as District Clerk: Ms. Levy was appointed District Clerk.

Consider FY 2021 Budget:

Spencer said that the owner of the solar array, Greenbacker Capital, hired David Mann Survey to confirm the acreage of the solar array, something Sky Solar had not done, and determined that there is almost 4 additional acres of solar panels. In accordance with the solar lease, at $4,600 per acre, per year, that will increase the lease payments by $18,290 per year, for a total of $120,290. The finance committee decided to add that amount to the budget revenue, and that amount to capital reserve expenditure.

Voted unanimously to approve the 10/16 budget proposal and assessments with the two modifications.

Consider Casella Waste Offer to Purchase Roll-Off Containers Loaned to Towns: Lengthy discussion of pros and cons of selling loaned roll-offs. No vote taken.

Discussion of Wage Study for WSWMD Staff: Decided to have Personnel and Policy Committee review options, including participation in a study with other solid waste Committee will meet 11/19/19 to discuss.

Executive Session (if needed): None.

Next Meeting: The next Board of Supervisors meeting will be December 12, 2019.

Other Business as Legally Allowed: None.

Adjournment: 9:02

 Athena Lee Bradley and Bob Spencer prepared minutes.