Minutes of September 12, 2019: Board of Supervisors





SUPERVISORS PRESENT: Michelle Cherrier, Chair, Dummerston; Patrick Moreland, Brattleboro; Kevin Stine, Dover; Michael Becker, Guilford; Lewis Sumner, Halifax; Greg Meulemans, Jamaica; Dan Toomey, Putney; Stillman Vonderhorst, Marlboro; Doris Knechtel, Newfane; Irvin Stowell, Townshend; Russ Hodgkins, Westminster; Nancy Meinhard, Wardsboro; and Merrill Mundell, Wilmington

SUPERVISORS ABSENT: Peter Elwell, Brattleboro; David Jones, Brookline; Daniel Baliotti, Dover; Cheryl Franklin, Guilford; Cara Cheyette, Halifax; Mike Fitzpatrick, Newfane; James Damato, Readsboro; Kent Young, Stratton; Christopher Parker, Vernon; and Emily Vergobbe, Vernon

WSWMD STAFF PRESENT:  Bob Spencer, Executive Director; Athena Lee Bradley, Programs Director; and Minnie Boadu-Bennett, District Clerk

OTHERS PRESENT: Matthew Murphy, Executive Vice President of Operations, Kyle Travis, Solar Energy Operations Manager; and Kelsey Wood, Associate Asset Manager

Note: The teleconference line was opened at 7:05 pm and closed at 7:30 pm.

Ms. Cherrier called meeting to order at 7:07 PM

  1. Changes and/or Additions to Agenda: Cherrier moved item #6, regarding Greenbacker Capital’s purchase of Sky Solar assets, to item #2 and welcomed Mr. Murphy, Mr. Travis and Ms. Wood from Greenbacker Capital.
  2. Update on Sale of Solar Array from Sky Solar Holdings to Greenbacker Renewable Energy: Murphy explained that Greenbacker capital is a public fund manager specializing in investing in renewable energy assets. Mr. Murphy said that GC’s large operations team, which handles construction management and field operations, sets them apart from other Wall Street companies. The deal has been signed for two weeks, with approximately 4 weeks remaining for final clearances. As part of the agreement, Greenbacker has already taken over for onsite work to enable filing an accurate certificate of compliance by year-end. Regarding offtaker agreements, supervisors were encouraged to reach out to Ms. Wood, who cited GC’s experience with six similar sites in Vermont including the Hartford Landfill site and sites in Williamstown, Royalton, Pittsford and Rutland. Mr. Mundell asked if REC sale agreements will stay the same. Because GC is purchasing the entire entity which owns the solar array, all agreements will remain. Further, Mr. Murphy said that GC has significant experience and dedication to REC sales. Ms. Cherrier asked about their plans for contracting partners for ongoing maintenance and general upkeep.  Evans Construction will continue to perform the civil work, both O&M and mowing partners are still being decided. Mr. Murphy said a site performance monitoring app should be available in 8 to 12 weeks and could be included as a widget on the new district website. Additionally, Mr. Murphy said he has buyers for the unallocated solar energy previously considered in January, if no member town claims wishes to claim in. Mr. Spencer requested monthly updates from GC. The board thanked these guests and they exited.
  3. Approval of Minutes— August 8, 2019: Cherrier offered several edits for spelling and consistency.

Mr. Mundell moved to approve the August 8, 2019 minutes as amended. Mr. Moreland seconded, and motion passed. (10 votes) Mr. Stine, Ms. Meinhard and Mr. Meulemans abstained.

  1. Approval of Check Register— August 2019: Spencer reviewed the finance committee’s discussion of check register, highlighting the payment for the trommel screen and breaking down the funding sources as follows: $59,960 from the ANR Grant, $75,000 internally borrowed, and $33,600 as planned in the FY19 budget.

Mr. Mundell moved to approve the check register. Mr. Moreland seconded, and the motion passed unanimously (13 votes)

  1. Approval of Financial Report— August 2019: Mundell reviewed the finance committee’s discussion of the report. Mr. Spencer said that HHW disposal expense will be slightly higher than expected due to the new contract, though most will be covered by the SWIP grant. He also highlighted significant compost sales to the Vermont Mulch Company and receipt of the ANR grant check.

Mr. Mundell moved to approve the August 2019 financial report. Ms. Knechtel seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. (13 votes)

  1. Board of Supervisor Members Update: Meinhard noted the board’s prior decision to add Mr. Moreland as a check signer. Ms. Cherrier will connect with Mr. Moreland to complete this process. Ms. Knechtel will confirm Mr. Fitzpatrick’s status as Newfane alternate. Mr. Spencer thanked Roxanne Morissette for her work preparing the updated contact list.
  2. Sky Offer to Sell BOE Lease to WSWMD: Spencer reviewed the status of the BOE assets. Mr. Moreland asked if Mr. Spencer would recommend it. Mr. Spencer said he believes the land will be valuable to the district at some point in the future. Mr. Mundell said he feels the knowledge gained from an appraisal is necessary to make any decisions. Ms. Knechtel and Mr. Vonderhorst voiced agreement.
  3. Bids to Conduct Appraisal of BOE Lease Assets: Spencer presented two bids. The first was from Brian Audy who would deliver an appraisal in three weeks from authorization for $1900. The second was from Martin Appraisal Services for $3200 with a five week turn around. Both had excellent references.

Mr. Moreland moved to accept the lower bid. Ms. Knechtel seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. (13 votes) 

  1. Programs Manager Report: Bradley updated the board on preparation for the October 19th HHW collection events in Brattleboro and Stratton. The Brattleboro collection will be held at the Brattleboro transfer station and the Stratton collection will be held at their transfer station and town garage. The application deadline for ANR’s permanent HHW site grant is November 1st, so the board can expect a proposal from staff at the October 10th meeting. Ms. Bradley further reported on backyard/community composting workshops she conducted in Newfane and Putney, and on the development of a backyard/ community composting demonstration area at the district office to fulfill education goals. For zero-waste events, the Heritage Days festival is coming up and communications with Guilford Fair organizers who were not offering recycling this year. Ms. Bradley reminded supervisors to reach out for to her for assistance if they hear of events that might not be in compliance with Act 148. For business outreach, Ms. Bradley attended the Wilmington Works Stroll and surveyed businesses on the drive to Stratton. She said that she has been impressed with how many businesses in smaller towns are bringing food scraps to transfer stations or local farmers. For school outreach, Ms. Bradley will be meeting with Guilford School Newbrook Elementary, Westminster School, Putney School and Green Street School, largely focusing on fixing contamination issues. She has also been researching illegal dumping ordinances and potential solutions because of recent issues with illegal dumping and intentional contamination on site. The new website should go live the week of September 16th. Following successful transfer station visits in Stratton, Newfane, Jamaica, and Wardsboro, Ms. Bradley said one attendant requested an operator training course which we hope to offer this fall. Supervisors were told to listen for a new WSWMD advertisement on WTSA. Lastly, Ms. Bradley reported on progress in applying for a three-year USDA Sustainable Research and Education grant in collaboration with Rich Earth Institute. This grant would support research on human urine enhanced compost which could serve as a replacement for water-polluting synthetic fertilizers. It would also support working with up to 15 farmers on small-scale composting on their farms. Mr. Mundell asked about the longevity of Rich Earth Institute and any potential risks of collaboration. Ms. Bradley said she believes Rich Earth has sufficient funding from other sources to remain solvent at least through the duration of this project.  Further, this grant would supplement our revenue and subsidize a portion of Ms. Bradley’s farm outreach work. Our pre-proposal was one of 21 approved out of 75 applicants. A full proposal due at end of October, and Ms. Bradley and Mr. Spencer requested the board authorize the application. Mr. Hodgkins and Mr. Moreland noted that such a motion could not be made during a report item, and discussion continued in Item #12.
  2. Executive Director Report: Spencer reported on an upcoming Brattleboro Reformer article on compost marketing to hemp farms, significant compost sales to Vermont Mulch Company, upcoming revenue and feedstock from Long Falls Paperboard, conducting the annual compost testing, providing a roll off for Connecticut River Conservancy’s clean up event on September 27th and 28th, and a meeting with Brattleboro Commissioner of Public Works Steve Barrett to tour the compost site and discuss marketing Brattleboro’s biosolids.
  3. Executive Session (if needed):
  4. Other Business as Legally Allowed:

Mr. Moreland asked for consensus from the board to move forward with the SARE grant application and confirm award conditions prior to accepting any funds. Mr. Hodgkins seconded, and by unanimous show of hands decided in favor. (13 votes)

Ms. Bradley informed the board that Trevor Mance and a representative from Casella Waste will be attending the next meeting to discuss the implications of Casella’s recent acquisition of TAM Waste Management for member towns with TAM contracts.

  1. Adjournment:

Mr. Mundell moved to adjourn. Mr. Stowell seconded, and the board adjourned at 8:39.


Minnie Boadu-Bennett, District Clerk