BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Michelle Cherrier, Chair, and Lester Dunklee, Dummerston; Patrick Moreland, Brattleboro; Kevin Stine, Dover; Cheryl Franklin, Guilford; Irvin Stowell, Townshend; James Damato, Readsboro; Dan Toomey, Putney; Lewis Sumner, Halifax; Nancy Meinhard, Wardsboro; Judy Flower, Jamaica; and Jan Ameen, Westminster; and Tom Consolino, Wilmington
BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Peter Elwell, Brattleboro; David Jones, Brookline; Daniel Baliotti, Dover; Sheila Morse, Guilford; Cara Cheyette, Halifax; Andy Coyne, Jamaica; Tony Gordon and Stillman Vonderhorst, Marlboro; Shannon Meckle and Mike Fitzpatrick, Newfane; Robert Matte, Readsboro; Kent Young, Stratton; Tim Franklin and Emily Vergobbe, Vernon; and Merrill Mundell, Wilmington
WSWMD STAFF PRESENT: Bob Spencer, Executive Director; Kristen Benoit, Programs Manager, Minnie Boadu-Bennett, District Clerk
OTHERS PRESENT: Brian Jerose, Agrilab Technologies, Morgan Casella, Dynamic Organics; and Frank Ruffulo and Peter Lin, Sky Solar Holdings
Ms. Cherrier called meeting to order at 7:02 PM
1. Changes and/or Additions to Agenda: None.
2. Update on Solar Array Commissioning, Off-Taker Solar Credits, and Renewable Energy Credits- Frank Ruffulo, Sky Solar Holdings: Cherrier welcomed Mr. Ruffulo to present on the status of the solar array and energy credits. Mr. Ruffulo reported that the site is fully operational and that Green Mountain Power will begin distributing energy credits timed with their billing cycle for October. These credits will reflect power produced since the site was first connected on July 3, running through September. The first lease payment from SSH will be received soon. SSH is working with a partner, Encore, to develop a flat price for the selling of RECs. Mr. Moreland asked for clarification around claiming renewable status if RECS are sold. If RECS are sold, that energy cannot be described as renewable. Mr. Casella provided some example of alternate language that could be used to describe and promote solar energy production in this case. Mr. Damato asked what the potential was to expand solar energy production. Mr. Ruffulo said there is not much additional space for more panels, and thanked the district and the board for their support Mr. Spencer recapped the Solar Array Ribbon Cutting Ceremony held earlier in the day.
3. Discussion of Proposed Anaerobic Digestion Facility- Frank Ruffulo, Sky Solar Holdings: Ruffulo reviewed the history of existing methane processing infrastructure and declining methane gas as a basis for SSH developing an anaerobic digestion facility, the 2017 feasibility study, the standard offer program to provide a path to selling electricity produced, funding secured for the implementation phase, and the search for anchor sources of food waste. Then, Mr. Ruffulo and Mr. Casella gave an overview of the intensive permitting process for AD projects, the statewide support for AD as the best practice for organic waste management, and preliminary designs. The district could potentially have a role and revenue source in both pre- and post-processing. Mr. Spencer presented on the DEC grant for organics infrastructure. There is the potential to put lease revenue from SSH towards the AD project. Ms. Ameen noted that the lease revenue from Sky Solar Holdings has already been earmarked to reduce assessments. The board discussed various pros and cons for pursuing this opportunity and what benefits member towns would see. The board looks forward to an official business plan.
4. Consider WSWMD and Sky Solar Holdings Each Paying $3,640, 50% of $7,280 for Agrilab Technologies Compost Facility Design:
Motion made and seconded to approve payment of 50% of the Agrilab Technologies compost facility study. Motion carried.
5. Consider Application to VT ANR for Grant Funds for Compost Facility Infrastructure:
Motion made, seconded and carried to approve the District’s development of an application for the compost facility infrastructure.
Ms. Ameen requested confirmation that the grant could be partitioned towards needs other than the SSH Anaerobic Digester project should the district decide to not pursue that project.
6. Consider Two Designated Locations for Legal Posting of Meeting Notices:
Motion made, seconded and carried to post Meeting Notices in the Vernon and Brattleboro Town office buildings.
7. Consider CPI Increase for Compost Tip Fee:
Motion made, seconded and carried to increase Compost Tip Fee within the district in accordance with the terms of Brattleboro’s contract.
Increases to non-district members may be assessed differently.
8. Approval of Minutes – September 13, 2018:
Motion made, seconded and carried to approve minutes as amended. One abstention: Tom Consolino
Mr. Stine asked whether it is legally necessary to record attribution of motion-makers and seconds in the minutes. Staff will investigate and future minutes will be prepared in accordance with the legal requirement.
9. Approval of Check Register – September 2018: The board reviewed the check register for the month of September 2018. Ameen noted concern regarding appropriateness of expenditures on aesthetic improvements.
Motion carried to approve check register. One abstention, Ms. Ameen.
10. Approval of Financial Report – September 2018: Spencer reported that we are slightly over budget on expenses and over budget on revenues, indicating favorable tracking. Ms. Ameen asked what the “Gain/Loss on Disposals Line” refers to. Mr. Spencer explained that it represents revenue from tip fees exceeding disposal expenses. Ms. Ameen and Ms. Franklin called attention to surplus figures for last month and this month last year. WSWMD is still waiting to receive the funds from the USDA grant for the loader, which would bring the surplus total to approximately $22,400.
Motion carried to approve September 2018 financial reports with no changes
11. Update on FY 20 Budget: The finance committee met on Monday, and will meet next on Wednesday, 10/17/18 at 7pm.
12. Consider Approval of Revised Staff Position Descriptions:
Motion made to approve the position descriptions for Administrative Assistant, District Clerk, Office Manager/Bookkeeper, Executive Director and Programs Manager as presented, and to approve Transfer Station/ Compost Facility Operator and Roll-Off Truck Driver as amended. Motion seconded and carried.
13. Discussion of Attendance at BOS Meetings and Quorum: Meinhard suggested a notice be sent to the towns. Mr. Damato suggested notice be sent after meetings to towns who did not have representation reminding them of such. Mr. Consolino suggested that the requirements for quorum be included in any such notices.
14. Program Coordinator’s Report: Benoit reported on the upcoming Fall HHW collection which will take place October 27th in Brattleboro and at the Readsboro Central School, newspaper ads are running this week in accordance with the SWIP, and additional promotion is underway. All WSWMD transfer station staff will be working this collection. Dale Bessette will bring a roll off to Readsboro to prevent any issues with waste collection in case of high turnout. Event containers are in regular steady use. Ms. Benoit designed a new flyer for syringe disposal, to be distributed this month. The public hearing to revise the SWIP for Whitingham’s departure will be held with the budget hearing in December. Lastly, Ms. Benoit and Mr. Spencer have been visiting transfer station visits in each member town, interfacing with transfer station staff, dropping off educational materials, and ensuring Act 148 compliance.
15. Executive Director’s Report: Spencer reported on another break-in at the scalehouse, as well as updates that have been made to site security. This year’s financial audit is complete, Ms. Hayes will distribute. Mr. Spencer described the renewed Department of Corrections contract. Selectboards have invited district staff to meet, thus far Wilmington, Marlboro and Brookline forthcoming. There was a compost facility open house for the private haulers’ food scraps producers
16. Committee Reports: None
17. Executive Session (if needed): None
18. Other Business as Legally Allowed: None.
19. Adjournment Motion made, seconded and carried to adjourn at 9:00pm
Minnie Boadu-Bennett, District Clerk