Sepetmber 13, 2018 Meeting Minutes


BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Michelle Cherrier, Chair, Dummerston; Merrill Mundell, Wilmington; Cheryl Franklin, Guilford; Irvin Stowell, Townshend; James Damato, Readsboro; Dan Toomey, Putney; Lewis Sumner, Halifax; Nancy Meinhard, Wardsboro; Judy Flower, Jamaica; and Jan Ameen, Westminster

BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Patrick Moreland and Peter Elwell, Brattleboro; David Jones, Brookline; Kevin Stine and Daniel Baliotti, Dover; Tony Gordon and Stillman Vonderhorst, Marlboro; Shannon Meckle and Mike Fitzpatrick, Newfane; Kent Young, Stratton; Tim Franklin and Emily Vergobbe, Vernon; and Tom Consolino, Wilmington

WSWMD STAFF PRESENT: Bob Spencer, Executive Director; Kristen Benoit, Program Manager; Minnie Boadu-Bennett, District Clerk; and Dale Bessette, Transfer Station/Scalehouse Attendant

OTHERS PRESENT: Aaron Howe, Europa IT; and Brian Jerose, Agrilab Technologies

Ms. Cherrier called meeting to order at 7:05 PM

1. Changes and/or Additions to Agenda: The following items were added to the agenda: (16) Designation of Posting Location for Meeting Notices, (17) Compost Facility Design Presentation by Brian Jerose of Agrilab Technologies

2. Upgrades to District Computer System: Aaron Howe, Europa IT: Ms. Cherrier introduced Aaron Howe, president of Europa IT. Mr. Spencer provided a brief overview of the kinds of work Europa IT has been brought in for and distributed Ms. Morrissette’s summary of the $9428.72 services provided thus far. Mr. Howe explained the reasoning and process behind upgrading the network infrastructure and scalehouse systems, optimizing devices and workflow for Sage 50 accounting software, miscellaneous cleanup and adjustments (including data recoveries and transfers, backups, software upgrades, and troubleshooting), and ongoing maintenance service. Mr. Spencer and Ms. Benoit spoke on how helpful is has been to have Europa IT on call. Mr. Damato asked about where the funding for these upgrades came from and Mr. Spencer explained that they were successfully funded within budget. Ms. Ameen requested there be a clear record of which district computers are additionally being used for staff personal use.

3. Consider Appointment of Minnie Boadu-Bennett as District Clerk: Motion made, seconded, and carried to appoint Ms. Bennett as District Clerk.

4. Approval of Minutes – June 14, 2018: Motion made, seconded, and carried to approve the minutes of June 14, 2018 as amended. There were two abstentions.

5. Approval of Check Registers – June, July, August 2018: Motion made, seconded, and carried to approve the check registers of June, July, August 2018.

6. Approval of Financial Reports – May, June, July, August 2018: Motion made, seconded and carried to approve the Financial Reports of May 2018.

Motion made to approve the financial reports for the months of June, July and August, seconded and carried. There was one abstention.

Regarding the financial report format, Mr. Mundell requested several adjustments: that the cover sheet subtitle be corrected and that section heading titles be formatted more clearly to improve readability. Ms. Ameen requested that post-closure information be included in the financial report documents. Ms. Franklin noted an error on page 3.

7. Program Coordinator’s Report: Ms. Benoit will distribute by email a summary of her report for last month. For this meeting, Ms. Benoit reported the following: we received compliments from ANR on the 2017 SWIP report; reimbursement has been received for the last HHW collection; and fall HHW collection in Brattleboro and Readsboro has the necessary permits from the state and other logistical preparation is underway. Ms. Benoit also informed the board that the NRRA is offering a new glass recycling program, $30 /ton hauled to a facility in Keene, NH. All district member towns are additionally members of NRRA and can participate, but each would be responsible for their own hauling. Ms. Benoit noted a public hearing will be held in November to remove Whitingham from the SWIP. Lastly, Ms. Benoit described new and updated signage she is designing for the transfer station, and for event recycling use.

8. Executive Director’s Report: Mr. Spencer reported there will be a ribbon cutting ceremony for the solar system on Thursday October 11th at 3:30, prior to the board of supervisors meeting. Sky Solar will present that evening on the functioning of the solar array, and estimates of the economic value of renewable energy credits. Mr. Spencer next informed the board of losses from a break-in at the scalehouse the morning of 9-2-18, and gave a brief overview of actions taken and the process going forward. Further discussion to be held during agenda item #9. Mr. Spencer suggested the possibility of working with member towns to separate cardboard and glass from single stream recycling as the District is doing. Cardboard prices are still down at $89/ton. The rented compost screen has been delivered, and screening will be done in house this fall rather than hiring a contract operator. Sky Solar has begun the permitting process for an anaerobic digester facility that would be executed in collaboration with WSWMD and Dynamic Organics. This step in the project follows completion of a feasibility study by WSWMD, Sky Solar, and Dynamic Organics last year even though the District has yet to take a position on the project. The district had several guests tour recently: Dan Cotter, Director of Plant and Operations Maintenance at Marlboro College; and Sara Coffey, candidate for Windham-1Vermont Legislature seat serving Guilford and Vernon. Mr. Spencer shared news that ANR has issued a request for proposals for funding composting and anaerobic digesting facilities for municipalities recycling food scraps. The grant will fund up to $500,000 as 40% of the total project cost with 60% required match from local sources. There is a question and answer session in two weeks and applications will be due Oct. 15. Next, Mr. Spencer reported on an open house scheduled Wednesday 9/19 for Triple T and Goodenough commercial food scraps customers, as well as recent marketing of compost to schools, colleges, public works departments, and landscapers. Ms. Hayes and Mr. Spencer are close to finalizing the annual audit report. Mr. Spencer has been invited to Denmark by the Danish Biogas Council to tour Danish biogas operations, with all expenses paid. Mr. Damato asked about compost supply and sources, which Mr. Spencer subsequently reported on, including new compost source, Elm City Compost in Keene. Additionally, Ms. Benoit mailed recycling technical assistance offer letters to 238 potential new sources of food scraps.

9. Consider Purchase of Security Alarms for Office and Scalehouse: Mr. Spencer described an alarm package offered by Amity Alarm that would have an initial cost of $864 for implementation in the scalehouse and $1194 for office. Both quoted prices include a $252 fee for ongoing monitoring. Mr. Mundell suggested that a camera system could be implemented more affordably. Ms. Ameen suggested improving physical integrity and security of the scalehouse.

10. Photovoltaic Array Update: The whole system is operational, but Gransolar is repairing stormwater system damaged during construction. The site should be in good condition by the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

11. Consider CPI Increase for Compost Tip Fee: Postponed to the October 11th meeting for the Board of Supervisors.

12. Discussion of Attendance at BOS Meetings: Suggestions were heard to re-order agenda items at future meetings so that those items requiring votes are dealt with first.

13. Consider Approval of Revised Staff Position Descriptions: Postponed to the October 11th meeting of the Board of Supervisors.

14. Committee Reports: Mr. Toomey reported for the Policy/ Personnel Committee that the October Board of Supervisors meeting will be able to cover revised position descriptions, the updated personnel handbook, and possibly the updated Supervisor’s manual.

15. AgriLab Presentation: Mr. Spencer introduced Brian Jerose, President of Agrilab Technologies, Agrilab works mostly with dairy farms, as well as commercial and municipal compost facilities, They specialize in compost aeration systems with heat recovery, which enables heat from composting piles to be utilized in various ways. Incorporating a heat recovery system would cut compost time significantly and increase throughput of the compost facility overall. The Agrilab proposal is to provide planning and technical services for an expanded composting operation, providing preliminary design and cost projections, as well as itemized lists for pricing of materials in preparation for grant and funding opportunities, such as the newly available ANR Composting Capacity Infrastructure grant. The report would be completed prior to the October 15 proposal deadline so we would have accurate cost information. The total fee for this proposed engineering report is $7298. Sky Solar would potentially pay half of this fee since the upgraded compost facility would process solid digestate from the anaerobic digestion facility. The Vermont Clean Energy Development Fund is another potential source of funding for this project, as the recovered heat is classified as renewable thermal energy.

16. Executive Session (if needed): None.

17. Other Business as Legally Allowed: None.

18. Adjournment: The meeting concluded at 9:05 PM at Ms. Cherrier’s request.

Minnie Boadu-Bennett, District Clerk