Syringe Drop-Off Program

| A-Z Disposal Guide

WSWMD will collect your needles/syringes/sharps for free proper disposal during regular business hours. No access sticker is required

Home-generated sharps, syringes, and needles- (includes glucose sensors, EpiPens, & other meds that contain embedded needles)

To be safe and legal, dispose of home-generated sharps, needles, and syringes in this manner:

  1.  Place sharps in an empty, rigid plastic container, such as a laundry detergent bottle (if a medical sharps container is unavailable).
  2.  Tape the bottle’s cap shut with strong tape. Firmly attach a “Do Not Recycle” label to the bottle, or write “DO NOT RECYCLE on the bottle.
  3.  Print this sample label or call 802-828-1138 to request “Do Not Recycle” stickers for home-generated sharps.
  4.  Bring your containers to the scale house during regular business hours to ensure proper recycling.

The Universal Recycling Law permits using rigid plastic bottles for disposing of home-generated sharps, including those from pet medications

Please follow the guidelines outlined below:

Have you found a needle? It’s important to dispose of it safely. Click here to learn how to do it properly and protect yourself and others!

More information on sharp disposal and regulated medical waste (within Vermont) can be found on the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) website.

For other drop-offs around Vermont or other US states, please visit this site for more information.