Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes- 8/8/24

Windham Solid Waste Management District (WSWMD)

Board of Supervisors Meeting

Via Zoom and In-person @ 327 Old Ferry Rd, Brattleboro

 Minutes of August 8, 2024


Members Present:

Michelle Cherrier, Chair, Dummerston; Dan Towler, Brookline; Kevin Stine, Dover (alternate); Stephan Chait, Halifax (alternate); Kate Ullman, Jamaica; Doris Knechtel, Newfane; Dan Toomey, Putney; Irv Stowell, Townshend; Sandra Rulewich, Vernon; Jim Pinkerton, Vernon (alternate); Liz Spector, Wardsboro; Lou Bordeaux, Westminster; Merrill Mundell, Wilmington

Members Absent: Patrick Moreland, Vice Chair, Brattleboro; Lewis Sumner, Halifax; Hannah Tustin, Guilford; Ellen Dudley, Marlboro, Bob Matte, Readsboro; Rickey Harrington, Somerset; Kent Young, Stratton

WSWMD Staff Present: Robert Spencer, Executive Director; Vicki Hayes, Finance Manager & HR Administrator; Peter Gaskill, Programs Coordinator; Anita Grant, Office Manager & Operations Liaison, District Clerk

Other Guests: Dave Allen & Todd Gammell of Casella Waste Systems

As a quorum was present Michelle called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM

  1. Roll Call of Members:  Anita performed a roll call of members present


  1. Changes and/or Additions to the Agenda: Michelle moved #6 on the agenda (Trash & Recycling Services Contract Options) up to #3 since the Casella representatives were present at the meeting.


  1. Trash & Recycling Services Contract Options (See memo & spreadsheet):

Bob described a 3-month pilot to explore hauling options with Ruggiero hauling to the Keene transfer station, Ruggiero hauling to their Walpole transfer station, Casella hauling to their Brattleboro transfer station, and WSWMD self-hauling to Casella’s Brattleboro transfer station. A spreadsheet was presented showing the cost differences between all locations, including the proposal by USA Waste in Hatfield & Northampton, MA. It was determined that self-hauling to Casella’s Brattleboro transfer station would be the least expensive, and result in less wear and tear on the roll-off truck and maximize the driver’s time in the transfer station.

Bob returned to Casella and renegotiated their proposal which lined up with the projected 10% increase already assumed in the FY 25 budget. A verbal agreement was made earlier today (8/8/24) and Dave Allen (Area District Manager) and Todd Gammell (Brattleboro Operations Manager) from Casella were on hand to answer questions and outline their proposal for WSWMD.

After much discussion, it was decided that since the District’s contract will terminate on 8/31/24 with Casella (formerly Triple T Trucking), the contract negotiation could move forward with a draft contract to be offered to the Executive Board to approve in mid-August. The Executive Board meeting will be held on 8/15/24 @ 1 PM to discuss the draft contract once Bob receives it back from Casella, and Bob invited any BOS member to attend the meeting.

Lou made a motion to allow the Casella contract negotiations to continue with the contract to be approved by the Executive Board, Irv seconded and the motion was carried.


  1. Approval of Minutes- June 2024:

Stephan Chait pointed out that the date for the next meeting was listed incorrectly as August 9 instead of August 8. Vicki thanked Stephan for showing up on the 8th, and Anita will amend the minutes.

Merrill made a motion to accept the amended minutes from June 2024, Doris seconded, and the motion was carried with two abstentions.


  1. Approval of Check Registers- June & July 2024:

Merrill made the motion to approve the Check Registers for both June & July 2024, Doris seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.


  1. Approval of Financial Statements- June & July 2024:

 June 2024:  Vicki reported that the June financials ended with a surplus of $16,000. Once the audit was performed, it was determined that she could move grant funds received from the VT ANR/DEC of approximately $86,000 into fixed assets. This gives additional funds for replacing the roll-off truck and the Compost Facility Expansion.

July 2024:  Vicki reported that July ended with a surplus of $72,000. She attributed the increase to higher tipping fees that went into effect on 7/1/24, as well as the uptick in the summer business. She emphasized that this figure would keep decreasing as the fall/winter season and slower months approach. The rise in hauling because of the Keene “pilot” should be balanced out in the future with the addition of a truck driver who will start on 8/26/24. August hauling will still be a bit higher but should level out and come down drastically in September. Vicki also reported that $7,000 was spent on roll-off truck repairs in July, another reason to move the Sterling replacement up for a total of $220,000 allocated for a new-to-District truck.

Merrill made the motion to approve the Financial Statements for both June & July 2024, Doris seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.


  1. Approve the Designation of the FY 24 Surplus:

The District finished with a surplus of $103,530.46 for FY 24. Vicki reiterated the importance of the surplus going back into the District’s funds for existing & upcoming projects (ie., the Capital Plan). She indicated that moving the roll-off truck (Sterling) up one year for replacement left a shortfall on funding for the rolling stock equipment and the CFE delays have cost more money.

Merrill made a motion to split the FY 24 surplus of $103,530.46, designating $70,000 to the Capital Plan towards the replacement of the roll-off truck, and the remaining $33,530.46 to the Compost Facility Expansion (CFE). Liz seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.

  1. Compost Facility Expansion:

Bob reported that delays in obtaining the Act 250 permit amendment have stalled the project thus far, but he is hopeful that the groundbreaking can take place in September.

  1. Programs Coordinator’s Report:
  • Waste oil collection program: Peter reported that the procedure for collecting, storing and pouring off waste oil has been revamped and new procedures have been implemented to correct deficiencies found by a recent ANR/DEC inspection.
  • Peter is finishing up the FY 25 Waste Hauler Registration. Applications have been received, letters have been sent out and stickers have been assigned as needed.
  • He also reported that the Household Hazardous Waste Depot (HHW) has serviced a total of 118 residents and/or businesses from May to July 2024, versus a total of 119 in the same timeframe in 2023.
  1.  Executive Director’s Report:
  • Bob reported that a Notice of Alleged Violation (NOAV) was received before the Board meeting for the waste oil storage issue that was identified in May 2024. Bob is prepared to respond to the NOAV, and with Peter’s assistance has created a new procedure moving forward.
  • Brett Comeau was hired as a full-time employee and will be starting on August 26, 2024. Brett formerly worked for WSWMD and left when the MRF closed in 2017 and has been driving for Triple T Trucking & Casella. Brett will be the new full-time truck driver and transfer station employee.
  • Chris Mays of the Brattleboro Reformer interviewed Bob about the Compost Facility Expansion and let the Board know to look for the upcoming article.
  • Bob and Alex Lacy (Outreach Coordinator) are planning on attending the Jamaica Selectboard Meeting on Monday, August 12 and visiting the transfer station before it closes.
  • Keene State College expressed interest in resuming their composting operations with WSWMD as they had in the past. Bob reported that since the new permit allowed for more compost, he would gladly allow them to return and increase the compost tip fees by $10,000/ year.
  • He reported that he had just finished giving the staff their performance reviews and that he was very happy with the staff.


11.   Executive Session: None

12.  Next Meeting: Thursday, September 12, 2024 @ 7 PM

13.  Other Business: The Executive Board meeting will be held on 8/15/24 @ 1 PM

14.  Adjournment: Doris made the motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Dan Toomey and the meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM.


Minutes prepared by,


Anita Grant

Office Manager & Operations Liaison/District Clerk