Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes- 6/8/23

Windham Solid Waste Management District (WSWMD)

Brattleboro, Vermont

Board of Supervisors Meeting

Via Zoom and In-person

= Minutes of June 8, 2023

 Members Present: (In-person & Zoom)

Chair: Michelle Cherrier, Dummerston: Vice Chair: Patrick Moreland, Brattleboro.

Dan Towler, Brookline; Kevin Stine, Dover (alternate); Lewis Sumner, Halifax; Stephan Chait, (Halifax alternate), Doris Knechtel, Newfane; Dan Toomey, Putney; Bob Matte, Readsboro; Irvin Stowell, Townshend; Sandra Rulewich, Vernon; Kevin Hughes, Westminster; Merrill Mundell, Wilmington

Members Absent Michael Becker, Guilford; Jessica Pollack, Jamaica; Stillman Vonderhorst, Marlboro; Rickey Harrington, Somerset; Kent Young, Stratton; Wardsboro: Vacant

WSWMD Staff Present: Robert Spencer, Executive Director; John Fay, Programs Manager; Vicki Hayes, Finance & Office Manager; Anita Grant, Administrative & Operations Assistant/District Clerk

Guests present: Kelsey Wood & Meg Taylor of Greenbacker Capital;  Rikki Risatti of Brattleboro

As a quorum was present Michelle called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM

  1. Roll Call of Members: Anita performed a roll call of members present.
  1. Changes and/or Additions to the Agenda: Kevin Stine inquired about the surface rights not appearing on the agenda and the board was informed that there had not been any further updates that could be reported at this time as the issue is still in Executive Session.
  1. Financial Impact of Solar Array Repairs: Kelsey Wood, Greenbacker Capital:

Kelsey Wood and Meg Taylor of Greenbacker Capital reported that the issue with the bad transformer that was shut down on April 19, 2023, would be resolved within the next two weeks, rather than months. They had acquired a refurbished 2021 transformer and were testing its functionality and getting ready to transport it and get the solar garden back online. Meg informed the board that the other transformer would be retested in a month, rather than a year to make sure the facility was still operating at 100%.

A discussion centered around Greenbacker notifying the off-takers about the reduction in credits, and that the off-takers could apply the credits to any portion of their bill. Kelsey offered that individual representatives could contact her regarding their towns and make any appropriate changes.

  1. Vermicomposting Proposal – Rikki Risatti:

Ms. Risatti, a Brattleboro resident, had appeared to make a plea to WSWMD to embrace and start a vermicomposting program in the District, and provide staff and office space to operate the program.

Michelle asked her to present a proposal in writing to the board, but at this time the charter (issued by the State of Vermont) had no room for a new business venture as WSWMD is already a commercial composting site.

Michelle said that she was welcome to return to the board once she submitted her proposal in writing and/or made a petition to the state to change the WSWMD charter.


  1. Approval of Minutes from May 11, 2023:

Motion to accept the minutes as written was made by Merrill, seconded by Dan Toomey, and the motion was carried.

  1. Approval of the May 2023 Check Register: Merrill discussed check # 29882 which was found at the Finance Committee meeting to be labeled incorrectly as legal fees instead of engineering fees. There was no other discussion about the register.

Motion to approve the Check Register for May 2023 was made by Merrill, seconded by Doris, and the motion was carried.


  1. Approval of Financial Statements for May 2023:Vicki reported that May finished with a $27,000 surplus, due to increased tip fee revenue, solar recs, and steadily increasing compost sales. She also indicated the District was most likely going to end the fiscal year in the black.

Motion to approve the Financial Statements for May 2023 was made by Patrick, seconded by Merrill, and the motion was carried.


  1.   Programs Manager Report: 
  • John let the board know that the HHW Depot had its first cleanout of 2023. A discussion centered around how Heritage Environmental (our hazardous materials contractor) disposed of the waste, and a board member suggested a new “Where is Away” video for hazardous waste.
  • The District has applied for a $4,000 pesticide disposal grant with the VT Agency of Agriculture, Farm & Markets.
  • John reported that House Bill 67 (EPR on hazardous waste) is on Governor Scott’s desk, awaiting his signature to be a new law. Once passed, it would hopefully cut the hazardous waste disposal costs by 33% starting in CY 2025.
  • VLCT inspector Wade Masure was on-site and prepared a list of 10 low to medium-priority safety issues that were being addressed and corrected in the yard.
  • CLP: During the first 45-day Closed Loop sort, it was found many compostable plastics had already disappeared or had broken down into smaller pieces. Another sort of incoming material found that the Brattleboro curbside compost collection was less than 5% contaminated. He invited any interested board members to help with the July sorting, tentatively scheduled for July 11, 2023.
  • John has been voted in as a member of the Board of Trustees for NRRA (Northeast Resource Recovery Association). WSWMD is an active member and in turn, the member towns are also eligible for NRRA programs, such as freon removal and tire disposal.

9.  Executive Director’s Report:

  • Bob reported that the CFE (Compost Facility Expansion) would be put off until at least the spring of 2024 and RFPs would be conducted in January.
  • Bob let the board know that the woodchucks were still being trapped and exterminated in the solar array.
  • He informed the board that the scale’s digital readout had been moved to the right side of the approach so that cars and trucks alike would be able to read their weights while on the scale.
  • Bob indicated that he and John had been working with the certification of Jamaica’s transfer station and providing technical assistance as well as helping with the acquisition of equipment.
  • The records shed is currently being emptied since a water leak was discovered, and old files are being destroyed and/or archived.
  1. Executive Session(if needed): None
  2. Next Meeting: Thursday, August 10, 2023 @ 7:00 PM
  3. Other Business: None
  4. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:17 PM

Minutes prepared by,


Anita Grant

Administrative & Operations Assistant/District Clerk