Windham Solid Waste Management District (WSWMD)
Brattleboro, Vermont
Finance Committee Meeting
Via ZOOM and In-Person
Minutes of May 11, 2023
Committee Members Present: Committee Chair-Merrill Mundell, Wilmington; Michelle Cherrier, Dummerston; Kevin Hughes, Westminster; Patrick Moreland, Brattleboro
Additional Board Members Present: Dan Toomey, Putney
Committee Members Absent: James Damato, Readsboro
WSWMD Staff Present: Robert Spencer, Executive Director; John Fay, Programs Manager; Vicki Hayes, Finance & Office Manager.
Others Present: None
Merrill called the meeting to order at 6:12 PM
- Changes and/or Additions to the Agenda: None
- Approval of Minutes- April 2023
Michelle made the motion to accept minutes as written, Patrick seconded, one abstention, and the motion was carried.
- Approval of Check Register- April 2023:
A discussion centered around check # 29846 to the Town of Brattleboro Water & Sewer Department, in the amount of $605.49. Patrick inquired if this was the normal usage, and Vicki said yes. Another question regarding radio ads, Bob and Vicki explained that they are quite effective, and we use a series of ads. Vicki explained that she applies the payment to Prepaid and expenses the cost over the appropriate number of months. Merrill asked about M&T, he asked if these were credit or debit cards, as he was concerned that if we were scammed we would not be able to recover the funds. Vicki told him they were credit cards and we do not have any debit cards.
Patrick made the motion to accept the Check Register from April 2023, Michelle seconded, and the motion was carried.
- Approval of Financial Statement- April 2023:
Vicki indicated that the month finished with a $1,751.92 deficit, down from the previous month due to spring revenue at the transfer station, grant funds, and increased compost sales.
The District is continuing to hold the line on spending and expects to finish the year in the black.
Patrick made the motion to recommend the Board of Supervisors approve the financials for April 2023, Michelle seconded, and the motion was carried.
- Discuss FY 25 Capital Plan:
Vicki discussed where the District expects to end on the Capital Plan For FY23. She discussed a review of the expected cost of equipment as currently shown. She also indicated the need for an additional line for major equipment repairs, as well as the remaining life on the Sterling roll-off truck. In addition, there was a discussion for another capital plan to cover facility repairs. It was decided that she would make the appropriate adjustments and bring the plans to the next meeting for further discussion.
- Executive Session (if needed): None
- Other Business: None
- Next Meeting: Thursday, June 8, 2023, @6 PM
- Adjournment: 6:50 PM
Minutes prepared by:
Vicki Hayes
Finance & Office Manager