Board of Supervisors Approved Minutes- 10/13/22

Windham Solid Waste Management District (WSWMD)

Brattleboro, Vermont

Board of Supervisors Meeting

Via Zoom and In-person

Minutes of October 13, 2022


Members Present: (In-person & Zoom)

Chair: Michelle Cherrier, Dummerston; Vice Chair: Patrick Moreland, Brattleboro; Dan Towler, Brookline; Stephan Chait, Halifax (alternate); Doris Knechtel, Newfane; Dan Toomey, Putney; Robert Matte, Readsboro; Irvin Stowell, Townshend; Sandra Rulewich, Vernon; Merrill Mundell, Wilmington;


Members Absent:

Michael Becker, Guilford; Daniel Ballioti, Dover; Lewis Sumner, Halifax; Jessica Pollack, Jamaica; Stillman Vonderhorst, Marlboro; Rickey Harrington, Somerset; Kent Young, Stratton; Wardsboro: Vacant; Kevin Hughes, Westminster


WSWMD Staff Present: Robert Spencer, Executive Director; John Fay, Programs & Operations Manager; Anita Grant, Administrative & Operations Assistant/District Clerk

As a quorum was present Michelle called the meeting to order at 7:03 P.M.


  1. Changes and/or Additions to the Agenda: None


  1. Northeast Resource Recovery Association & WSWMD: “Looking Back & Forward”, Bonnie Bethune (Sr. Member Services Representative)

Bonnie Bethune of NRRA gave a presentation showing WSWMD’s partnership since 2010, highlighting the programs that we partnered with. She talked about the processed glass aggregate (PGA) program (PGA is crushed glass to be used as an alternative fill or drainage medium) and the clean glass program (clean glass bottles and jars used to make fiberglass insulation). She indicated that we could still participate in the “clean glass” to Keene, NH program that we had been involved with in the past, or we could become an accumulation site for PGA like we did for tires.

Bob explained that the criteria for clean glass had been difficult to maintain with an unsupervised glass drop-off. He also said that the PGA accumulation site program was investigated but not deemed feasible at WSWMD. Bob explained to the board that alternative glass recycling options are being reconsidered.

NRRA is the association responsible for the tire disposal program with BDS. The member towns bring their tires here for disposal, and it has helped greatly with clearing the surplus of tires at the town’s highway garages and transfer stations.

Bonnie also explained how NRRA is sponsoring freon recovery programs at WSWMD, Wilmington, Readsboro, and Dover, and that the NRRA recently negotiated a price drop for the service. John explained how this program has saved staff time and has been very cost-effective with an $8/unit charge and the ability to keep the units and scrap the metal.


  1. Approval of Minutes from September 2022:

It was missed in the minutes from the September meeting, that a suggestion for the next USDA grant idea be one to handle expired or unwanted prescriptions. Anita will amend the September minutes to include that entry.

 Motion to accept the amended minutes from September 8, 2022; made by Merrill, seconded by Dan Toomey, and the motion was carried.


  1. Approval of September 2022 Check Register:

There was no discussion pertaining to the check register.

Motion to approve the Check Register for September 2022; made by Patrick, seconded by Irv, and the motion was carried.


  1. Approval of Financial Statements for September 2022:

Bob pointed out that the District is still running at a surplus, with the cost of recyclables falling and the hauling costs increasing. Cardboard just fell $40/ton and single stream increased $35/ton for disposal as of October 1st.

Motion to approve the Financial Statements for September 2022; made by Patrick, seconded by Irv, and the motion was carried.


  1. Compost Facility Expansion- Funding & State Permit:

 Bob reported that the project was moving fast, and that Michelle had signed the USDA grant paperwork that awarded WSWMD $150,000 towards the expansion. Coupled with the $225,000 of the FY 22 surplus that the board voted to allocate for the project, WSWMD is now able to break ground and start the project in the summer of 2023. Bob informed the board that a press release was scheduled to go out in the next two weeks, which is a requirement of the USDA grant.  He also said that moving ahead with the project has expedited the permitting process and that the District has applied to be a medium compost facility and accept 5,000 cubic yards of food scraps a year.

The next steps for the project include applying for a zoning permit with the town of Brattleboro, amend the Act 250 permit, and amend the stormwater permit.


  1. Program Manager’s Report:
  • HHW Depot: John reported that the HHW Depot has only three more days being opened, but has already serviced 301 households in CY 22, vs 326 in CY 21.
  • Remote Hazardous waste collection: John proposed that the remote event take place every other year instead of yearly due to increasing costs. It was discussed that Wilmington’s event (7/16/22) served 45 residents and cost over $8,000. It was also discussed that WSWMD should possibly have expanded hours at the Depot in the “off year”.
  • Operations: John reported that Joe Gobin has been a great foreman and many projects have been started and completed over the past month and so far, so good. Joe fits in well with the crew and office staff and has been a very helpful addition to the staff.
  • USDA Outreach Grant/School workshops: John reported that WSWMD was granted a 12-month extension and that Alex would be staying on until the end of the calendar year at reduced part-time hours to assist with finishing up the outstanding grant tasks. He also pointed out that the new signs that were delivered to the towns’ transfer stations were also a result of this grant and that the TS operators were happy with the signs they received. John also called on Anita to provide feedback she’d received about a USDA workshop in Guilford. Anita reported that all the workshops were met with very positive reviews and encouraged all the towns to contact their schools that hadn’t participated and get them signed up.
  • Future USDA grants: John reported that the USDA crew (Bob, John, Anita & Alex) along with Kevin Stine (Dover alternate) had a great two-hour brainstorming session and are working on multiple grant ideas for the FY 24 grant season.


  1. Executive Director’s Report:
  • Tour of Casella MRF, Rutland: Bob touched on the tour that some of the BOS members and WSWMD staff had attended in September, indicating that a video was being made and would be shown at the November BOS meeting.
  • Putney Rd. Redemption: Bob reported he just signed the MOU which pays $.01/container just netted $1,300 in revenue for the past 12 months and donated over $2,000 to the Windham Humane Society. He also talked about what a great organization they were to work with; they keep their section clean and service it six days a week, without fail.


  1. Executive Session: None needed


  1. Other Business: Nothing discussed


  1. Next Meeting: Thursday, November 10, 2022 @ 7pm


  1. Adjournment: Bob Matte made the motion to adjourn, and Irv seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 8:13 P.M.


Minutes prepared by


Anita Grant

Administrative & Operations Assistant/District Clerk