Board of Supervisors Meeting Agenda, 5/12/22 @ 7pm

Board of Supervisors
Meeting Notice and Agenda
Thursday, May 12th at 7:00 P.M.
Via Zoom* and in Person

1. Changes and/or Additions to the Agenda
2. Update on Wardsboro Supervisor Appointment
3. Approval of Minutes- April 2022
4. Approval of Check Register- April 2022
5. Approval of Financial Statement- April 2022
6. Opening of Household Hazardous Waste Depot (HHW Depot)
7. Status of Pole Barn Enclosure
8. Consider Pre-Payment of Loader Loan in June 2022 (approximately $50,500)
9. USDA Community Facilities Grant for Compost Facility Expansion (Plan A)
10. Congressionally Directed Spending Grant for Compost Facility Expansion (Plan A)
11. Compost Facility Expansion Plan B
12. Program Manager’s Report
13. Executive Director’s Report
14. Executive Session (if needed)
15. Other Business
16. Next Meeting
17. Adjournment

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