May 10, 2018 Meeting Minutes


BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Michelle Cherrier, Chair, Dummerston; Jan Ameen, Vice Chair, Westminster; Patrick Moreland, Brattleboro; Kevin Stine, Dover; Lester Dunklee, Dummerston; Cheryl Franklin, Guilford; Lewis Sumner, Halifax; Judy Flower, Jamaica Tony Gordon and Stillman Vonderhorst, Marlboro; Dan Toomey, Putney; James Damato, Readsboro; Irvin Stowell, Townshend; Nancy Meinhard, Wardsboro; Gig Zboray, Whitingham; and Merrill Mundell, Wilmington

BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Peter Elwell; Brattleboro; David Jones, Brookline; Daniel Baliotti, Dover; Sheila Morse, Guilford; Cara Cheyette, Halifax; Andy Coyne, Jamaica; Shannon Meckle and Mike Fitzpatrick, Newfane; Robert Matte, Readsboro; Kent Young, Stratton; Tim Franklin and Emily Vergobbe, Vernon; and Tom Consolino, Wilmington

WSWMD STAFF PRESENT: Robert Spencer, Executive Director and Kristen Benoit Program Coordinator/District Clerk.


Ms. Cherrier called the Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

1) Driving Tour of Solar Project on Landfill:  The Supervisors toured the solar project currently under construction on the closed landfill.

2) Changes to the Agenda: The Board agreed to add the following agenda item:

  • Consider Purchase of Front-end Loader (new Agenda item #3)

3) Consider Purchase of Front-end Loader:  Mr. Spencer informed the Board the Lull is in need of repairs and is presently being evaluated by a technician.  WSWMD is currently renting a 2005 John Deere front-end bucket loader for $7,000/month.  Mr. Spencer noted the front-end loader is available for sale at $58,000, the rental fee will be credited towards the total purchase price.  Based on Ms. Hayes analysis, there is sufficient cash to purchase the loader in the next 2 months.  The loader would eliminate the need to hire outside companies to turn the compost piles, something the Lull is not designed to do.  Mr. Spencer noted there are 12,000 hours of use on the loader, and there is no guarantee offered by the dealer with the machine.  Mr. Spencer hired a John Deere mechanic to evaluate the condition of the loader and stated it was in “good shape” overall, but noted it needed approximately $1,000 in minor repairs that the dealer has agreed to fix.  Mr. Mundell stated the Finance Committee discussed the potential purchase of the loader and is recommending the Supervisors defer the decision to the Executive Board, in the interest of time.  Board members expressed concern about the cost to member communities that may not appear to benefit directly from WSWMD composting operations.  Mr. Mundell noted WSWMD compost operation is a “profit maker” and benefits all member communities. The Board expressed concerns that a loader with 12,000 hours could need expensive repairs; Mr. Spencer said he found out from the John Deere mechanic that the cost to replace the motor would be $18,000, plus 3 weeks of renting a replacement loader.  The Board agreed to lease the loader for one month, but asked Mr. Spencer to get bids on the purchase of a new loader.   The Board will discuss the potential purchase of the loader at the June Board Meeting.

4) Approval of Minutes – April 12, 2018: Motion made, seconded, and carried to approve the Minutes of April 12, 2018, as amended.  There were 2 abstentions.


5) Approval of Check Register – April 2018:  The Board discussed various expenditures on the Check Register. 

Motion made, seconded, and carried to approve the April Check Register. 

6) Financial Report Review – April 2018: The Board of Supervisors reviewed and discussed the Financial Report. 

Motion made, seconded, and carried to approve the April Financial Report. 

7) Committee Appointments: Ms. Benoit passed out sign-up sheets for both the Finance Committee and the Policy/Personnel Committee.  The following Supervisors volunteered to serve on the Finance Committee:

  • Patrick Moreland, Brattleboro
  • Cheryl Franklin, Guilford
  • Jim Damato, Readsboro
  • Tim Franklin, Vernon
  • Jan Ameen, Westminster
  • Merrill Mundell, Wilmington

The following Supervisors volunteered to serve on the Policy/Personnel Committee:

  • Michelle Cherrier, Dummerston
  • Dan Toomey, Putney
  • Nancy Meinhard, Wardsboro
  • Jan Ameen, Westminster

8) Consider Appointment of Treasurer: Ms. Benoit There were no volunteers or nominations for Treasurer.

9) Consider Appointment of District Clerk:  Ms. Benoit informed the Board she is resigning as District Clerk, but she would be available to fill-in, if needed.  The Board agreed to advertise for a paid part-time District Clerk, whose responsibilities include doing minutes of the Board of Supervisor’s Meetings and sending out Meeting Notices and Agendas.

10) Program Coordinator’s Report:  Mr. Benoit informed the Board Stub Thomas, former owner of the landfill, passed away last week, and noted his “Celebration of Life Service” and luncheon reception would be held on Saturday, May 12th.  Ms. Benoit reported on WSWMD’s spring hazardous waste collection being held in the Towns of Jamaica and Westminster; sale of FY 2019 access stickers; website updates; event recycling (including Strolling of The Heifers); the Home Improvement & Garden Expo at the River Garden; public outreach including radio ads; new recycling stickers for the roll-off containers; new WSWMD Transfer Station User Guide; and an updated Supervisor’s Manual that will be available for the June Meeting.  

11) Executive Director’s Report: Mr. Spencer reported WSWMD sold 855 cubic yards of compost in 2016, 525 cubic yards in 2015 (noting it was a wet spring), and approximately 1,000 cubic yards (to date) in 2017.  The compost is sold, wholesale, to four retail distributors: Renaud Tree Care in Dummerston; D & E Tree in Guilford; Maple Hill Nursery in Swanzey; and Boyd Farm in Wilmington.  In addition, WSWMD donated up to 2 cubic yards of compost to six schools: Guilford Central School, Newbrook Elementary School, Academy School, Green Street School, Oak Grove School, and the Winston Prouty Center.  Lastly, Mr. Spencer informed the Board, WSWMD is now accepting paper sludge at its compost facility from FiberMark.

12) Act 148 Amendments: Mr. Spencer reported on proposed changes to Act 148, Vermont’s Universal Recycling Law.

13) Update on Solar Project: Mr. Spencer reported there will be a presentation by Sky Solar Holdings, LLC at the June Board of Supervisor’s Meeting. In addition, Mr. Spencer noted WSWMD will be entitled to additional revenue for renewable energy credits. The amount is not yet known but is estimated to be up to $50,000 per year or more.  

14) Consider Winhall Termination Agreement: Mr. Mundell recognized Ms. Ameen’s efforts in finalizing the Termination Agreement with the Town of Winhall.  The Board reviewed and discussed the termination agreement. 

Motion made, seconded, and carried to authorize the Chair to sign the Town of Winhall’s Termination Agreement. 

15) Consider Scrap Tire Recycling Proposals: Ms. Benoit informed the Board WSWMD received 3 proposals in response to the Scrap Tire Recycling RFP.  Ms. Benoit handed-out a one-page analysis comparing the 3 proposal’s total annual costs of scrap tire recycling based on the total number of tires collected in 2017.  The Board reviewed the analysis.

Motion made, seconded, and carried to accept the proposal from NRRA for scrap tire recycling.  

16) Committee Reports (if any): Mr. Toomey reported the Policy/Personnel Committee met Thursday, April 19th at 7:00 pm to discuss and revise three job descriptions (Office Manager/Bookkeeper, Administrative Assistant/Marketing, and Transfer Station and Compost Facility Operator), and update the Personnel Handbook.  The Committee’s next meeting will be held on Thursday, May 17th at 7:00 pm.

17) Executive Session (if needed): None

18) Other Business as Legally Allowed: None

19) Adjournment:

Motion made, seconded and carried to adjourn the meeting: 

The meeting was adjourned at 9:04 pm.

Kristen Benoit

Program Coordinator/District Clerk