Board of Supervisors–1/14/21 Minutes

Windham Solid Waste Management District (WSWMD)
Brattleboro, Vermont
Board of Supervisors Meeting
 Minutes of January 14, 2021

Members Present: Michelle Cherrier, Chair, Dummerston; Patrick Moreland, Vice Chair, Brattleboro; Dan Toomey, Putney; Sandra Ruelwich, Vernon; Nancy Meinhard, Wardsboro; Russell Hodgkins, Westminster; Merrill Mundell, Wilmington; Greg Meulemans, Jamaica; Doris Knechtel, Newfane; David Jones, Brookline

Members Absent: Michael Becker, Guilford; Stillman Vonderhorst, Marlboro; Rickey Harrington, Somerset; Kent Young, Stratton; Kevin Stine, Dover; Lewis Sumner, Halifax; Stillman Vonderhorst, Marlboro; Jim Damato, Readsboro; Irvin Stowell, Townshend.

WSWMD Staff Present: Robert Spencer, Executive Director; Vicki Hayes, Office Manager/Bookkeeper/District Clerk; John Fay, Programs Manager.

Others Present: Kyle Travis, Greenbacker.

Vicki performed a roll call, as a quorum was present Michelle called the meeting to order at 7:08P.M.

1. Changes and/or Additions to the Agenda: Michelle moved the Update on Solar Array- Kyle Travis, Greenbacker to item 2.

2. Update on Solar Array-Kyle Travis, Greenbacker: There was a quick introduction of Kyle by Bob. Kyle discussed the many repairs that Greenbacker has been performing. The biggest being the transformer replacement. He walked the Board through the replacement process and the impact of downtime. They were able to repair one of the units onsite, the second had to be sent back to the manufacturer. Normally these units have a long lifespan. Patrick asked if these units had been new when installed. Kyle indicated that was the case, however, there was a defect in the original manufacturing process that needed to be rectified. They were continuing the test this week on site, but we look good and should be processing at 100% capacity. Kyle then discussed some of the smaller repairs they have performed. Michelle thanked him for the update.

3. Approval of Minutes- December 10, 2020: Motion was made to accept the minutes by Doris, Patrick seconded. Dan asked for a change to the paragraph regarding the salary study step process. Vicki agreed to make the amendment. The motion was carried with the agreed upon changes, and one abstention.

4. Approval of Check Register- December 2020: Michelle asked if there were any questions, Patrick asked if we could please change the wording to Worker’s Comp. Motion was made by Doris to accept the check register of December 2020, seconded by Dan. Motion was carried.

5. Approval of Financial Statement – December 2020: Vicki did a quick recap on the results for December. A question was asked regarding the repairs on the pickup truck. Bob explained the many items that needed to be fixed, including replacement of the truck bed which was so corroded the truck would not pass inspection. Vicki said the truck should now last us until replacement scheduled in the Capital Plan. Patrick moved to accept the Financial Statement For December 2020, Doris seconded and the motion was carried.


6. Update from Roll-Off Committee: Nancy explained the recommendation of the Roll-Off Sub-Committee meeting prior to this BOS meeting, which is to leave the roll-offs with the towns and transferring all responsibility for them as of June 30, 2021. Vicki discussed the low book value of the 26 roll-offs on loan to the 8 towns at $3,600, a spreadsheet showing the number of roll-offs loaned to each town, and the MOU’s signed by the towns.
Bob will draft a memo to the towns explaining the decision, with input from Patrick, and Russ, to present to the BOS March meeting. Michelle asked the Board to consider approval at the March meeting.

7. Update on Long Falls Paper Board Proposal: Bob discussed the history with Long Falls, and its predecessor companies to compost their paper sludge, and purchase of our cardboard for use in manufacturing paperboard. Bob and John evaluated using a vacant field that is part of their property for a second small compost site. Bob sent a proposal, asking for a $5,000 retainer to obtain the VT DEC permit, and to charge them $15/cubic yard to compost their sludge. The mix ratio of food waste and woodchips/leaves will determine the amount of sludge that can be processed. Bob and Dick Petrie did several successful compost trials in December with various mixes. Bob has not yet received a response to the proposal. Patrick confirmed that the company is facing financial challenges and asked that the proposal and financials be shared with the Board and Finance Committee.

8. Programs Manager Report: John gave an update on the current year USDA grant for $33,000 of technical assistance for recycling programs, including food waste. John is working with the towns to set up local advisory teams, and Bob and John offered to attend Selectboard meetings to discuss the grant. John and Bob will be visiting the 7 town transfer stations soon to update our records on the services provided and identify potential technical assistance projects. We also applied in December for another USDA grant, for approximately $90,000, to increase recycling of food waste and other organics. This grant would take effect October 1, 2021. Former employee Athena Bradley is serving as a consultant to both USDA grants.

The HHW Depot is scheduled to open in May of 2021, subject to receipt of a permit from VT DEC. John said he distributed free 4-gallon buckets from VT DEC to eight schools to collect food waste, and there are additional buckets available.

John, Vicki, and Bob will also apply for a new VT DEC grant for recycling infrastructure funds, which is due March 10th. New food waste dumpsters for the District’s Project COW drop-off area are a top priority.

9. Executive Director Report: Bob let the Board know that he feels the Long Falls proposal may not be accepted due to the company’s on-going financial challenges. He and John identified a near-by one-acre site at Allard Lumber’s quarry on Old Ferry Road, and a proposal has been sent to Cliff Allard to operate a new food waste composting facility, doubling the capacity of food waste we can process. We proposed to pay Allard $10/ton for food waste brought to the new site. That would cost us $6,000-$10,000 a year in tip fees paid to Allard, but net revenue generation should be profitable.

Bob also discussed the new gutters that are being installed on the east side of the MRF building to replace the failed gutters. This should rectify a safety issue with excess rain washing into the recycling area, as well as ice.

Bob mentioned he and John have been working with Sandra in Vernon. Sandra gave a brief review of the proposed financial analysis John and Bob will do of the town’s curbside trash and recycling Program, and Bob’s presentation to her Selectboard. Bob said that Putney requested help with evaluating the cost of a new 24-7 recycling drop off area at the town highway garage. Dan pointed out that it is not likely that the town will implement a new recycling area due to the high cost, and the fact that Putney residents can conveniently utilize WSWMD’s recycling area.

Bob summarized the COVID 19 procedures in place in the yard and the office, and thanked staff for their compliance, and the seamless continuation of operations through out the pandemic.

John and Anita recently completed a 40-hour Hazwopper certification course which is important for operation of the new HHW depot. Bob and Dick already have their certifications and take annual 8-hour refresher courses. John and Anita are also pursuing VT DEC Compost Facility Operator Certifications, something Bob, Dick, and Dale already have.

The required SWIP press release was sent to the newspapers this week.

Michelle asked for an update on Rich Earth Institute and Sky Solar. Bob said REI is pleased with their new lease arrangement with the district. Sky has disconnected the two electric generators used for the landfill gas system and will remove them this month. They will go to the Goodell farm in Westminster as spare parts for their anaerobic digester for manure and food waste.

10. Executive Session: None

11. Next Meeting: Michelle pointed out that our charter allows for no meeting in February and July and recommended that the next meeting be on March 11th @7:00 PM.

12. Other Business: None

Meeting adjourned at 8:33PM

Minutes submitted by

Vicki Hayes
District Clerk