May 11, 2017 Minutes




COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Merrill Mundell, Chair, Wilmington; Cheryl Franklin, Guilford; Tim Franklin, Vernon; Jan Ameen, Westminster.

COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT: Tony Gordon, Marlboro; Jim Damato, Readsboro.

WSWMD STAFF PRESENT: Bob Spencer, Executive Director; Kristen Benoit, Program Coordinator/District Clerk; Vicki Hayes, Admin/Bookkeeper, Phil Baker, Scale House.

OTHERS PRESENT: John Allen, Brattleboro; Gig Zboray, Whitingham.

Mr. Mundell called to Meeting order at 5:41 p.m.

1) Changes and/or Additions to Agenda: None

2) Election of Committee Chair: Merrill Mundell was nominated for Chair. Motion seconded and carried.

3) Approval of Minutes from 4/13/17: Motion made, seconded, and carried to approve the Minutes of April 13, 2017, with one abstention.

4) Review of April 2017 Check Register: The Finance Committee reviewed and discussed various expenditures on the check register.

5) Review of April 2017 Financials: The Finance Committee reviewed and discussed the Financial Statements for April, including the revenue stream, the deficit, net asset value, cash on hand, post-closure liability.

6) Update on Q4 Assessment Payments: There was a discussion regarding the two towns that have not paid Q3 and Q4 assessments. Gig Zboray was unable to comment on the continued delay in payment from Whitingham. Ms Hayes informed the committee of the penalty and interest fees to date.

7) Discussion of Loan Repayment: Mr. Spencer discussed the various sources of revenue to be used to repay the loan from Merchants Bank. Ms Hayes discussed accruing the payment beginning in May 2017.

8) Consider FY 18 Access Fees: Mr. Spencer and Ms Hayes discussed various options on the Access Fees for FY 18. It was suggested that a $35.00 Access Fee, and no day pass fee, as well as increasing the Brush charge to a $10.00 minimum up to 100 pounds, and $100 per ton be recommended to the Board of Supervisors.

Motion was made, seconded and carried to make that recommendation to the Board of Supervisors.

9) Potential Options for Sale of Equipment and Realization of Income from MRF. Potential Utilization of Space Gained from Sale of MRF Equipment, and Cost of Preparation for Re-purposing.   It was noted that the Board of Supervisors have decided to delay the sale of equipment. No further discussion was had on this topic.

10) Consider Impact of and Support for Implementation of Flow Control for Food Waste Mandated for Diversion by Act 148. There was discussion of the pros and cons of flow control at this time. It was decided to see what comes out of the anaerobic digester feasibility study before pursuing this further.

11) Executive Session (if needed): None.

9) Next Finance Committee Meeting: June 8 @ 6:00 PM

10) Other Business as Legally Allowed: None.

11) Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned @ 6:32PM

Vicki Hayes
