DRAFT MINUTES OF September 10, 2020
Members Present: Patrick Moreland, Brattleboro (Vice Chair); Greg Meulemans, Jamaica; Doris Knechtel, Newfane; Dan Toomey, Putney; Russell Hodgkins, Westminster; Merrill Mundell, Wilmington; Sandra Rulewich, Vernon; Nancy Meinhard, Wardsboro.
Note: Jim Damato, Readsboro via phone.
Members Absent: David Jones, Brookline; Lewis Sumner, Halifax; Stillman Vanderhorst, Marlboro; Ricky Harrington, Somerset; Kent Young, Stratton; Kevin Stine, Dover; Irvin Stowell, Townshend Michael Becker, Guilford ;Michelle Cherrier, (Chair),Dummerston.
WSWMD Staff Present: Athena Lee Bradley, Programs Manager (via phone); John Fay, Programs Manager; Vicki Hayes, Office Manager; Bob Spencer, Executive Director.
Others Present: Kim Nace, REI; Abe Noe-Hayes, REI; Cory Ross, Windham Conservation District.
Vice Chair, Patrick Moreland called the meeting to order at 7:04 P.M.
. There was a roll call of members and a quorum was present.
- Ratify Triple T Contract Extension: Patrick explained the need for the Executive Board to make the decision on approval as the contract was due to expire at the end of August before the next full board meeting. Bob summarized the changes to the contract. Jim asked about the increases in costs.
Jim made the motion to ratify the approval of the Triple T Contract, Merrill seconded and the motion carried.
- Discuss Windham Conservation District Partnership for Backyard Composting : Cory Ross discussed his organization’s goals and background. He spoke of WCD participating/assisting in the workshops and outreach WSWMD is undertaking this fall. Patrick thanked them for their help. Sandra discussed the upcoming workshops we have scheduled for Vernon. Merrill noted the need to include bear education.
- Update on Rich Earth Institute Lease: Kim and Abe updated the Board on the ‘simplified lease’ that they need for their USDA grant. The renegotiation of monthly lease payments and mutual use of the property to be finalized by year end. There was much discussion regarding the gas electricity generating system, and flare. REI has not purchased any of the assets for that system from Sky Solar.
Bob sent our attorney, Daniel Richardson the draft “simplified lease” and he said it looked OK. The board raised questions about the ownership of the landfill gas system since it is not in the proposed lease. We need to further evaluate the legal obligations for the gas system. Bob will discuss with our lawyer.
Jim made the motion to table the decision on the lease to the next meeting when more information is available, Merrill seconded it. The motion carried.
- Discuss Bensonwood Chip Agreement: Bob gave the history on the use of wood chips for the composting operation and the need for an agreement with Bensonwood as the source. The District will pay $5.00 a ton for chips and contribute 20 cy of compost to Bensonwood annually.
Jim moved to approve the agreement, Merrill seconded. The motion carried.
- Introduction of John Fay, Programs Manager: Bob introduced John and discussed his background.
John spoke of his excitement to be working here again. Bob acknowledged Athena’s contribution to the position, and her working with John until her retirement November 1st. Patrick and the Board welcomed John.
- Approval of the minutes of June 11, 2020: The motion was made to approve the minutes of June 11, 2020 by Dan, seconded by Merrill. There was one abstention by Jim and the motion carried.
- Approval of Check Registers – June, July and August 2020: Merrill noted that the Finance Committee had reviewed all three.
Russ made the motion to approve the check registers for June, July, and August 2020, Nancy seconded. The motion carried.
- Approval of the Financial Statements June, July and August 2020: Merrill mentioned that these had been reviewed by the Finance Committee. We ended FY 20 with a surplus and are currently running a surplus for 2021. Bob asked that Michelle’s memo summarizing the year-end financial statement and budget surplus be included with the minutes of this meeting.
Merrill moved that the financial statements for June, July and August 2020 be approved. Russ seconded, and the motion carried.
- Ratify FY 2020 Surplus Designation: Patrick discussed the decision of the Executive Board to designate the surplus of FY20 for the Capital Plan.
Doris made the motion to Ratify the FY 2020 Surplus as Designated Capital, Merrill seconded and the motion carried.
- Executive Session: None
- Next Meeting: October 8, 2020 at 7:00 P.M. via ZOOM
- Other Business as Legally Allowed: Bob discussed the decision not to expand the compost facility Vermont permit capacity at this time. The financial risk combined with the lack of source contracts was the basis for the decision.
- Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 8:08 P.M.
Minutes Submitted by
Vicki Hayes
District Clerk