5/14/20 BOS Meeting Warning and Agenda

Board of Supervisors

Meeting Notice and Agenda

Thursday May 14, 2020 at 7:00PM

Via Zoom*

1. Changes and/or Additions to Agenda

2. Approval of Minutes – April 9, 2020

3. Approval of Check Register- April 2020

4. Approval of Financial Statement- April 2020

5. COVID-19 Impact on WSWMD Operations

6. Discuss Renewal of PILOT with Brattleboro

7. Confirm Budgeted Fee Increases for 2021

8. Consider Transfer of BOE Lease to Rich Earth Institute

9. Consider Revised Purchasing Policy

10. Consider New Commercial Motor Vehicle Policy

11. Discuss Backyard Compost Demo Area

12. Discuss Compost Facility Permit Amendment

13. Executive Session (if needed)

14. Next Meeting

15. Other Business as Legally Allowed

16. Adjournment

* Robert Spencer is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting;
Meeting ID: 955 7682 2838
Password: 932732
Phone call:1.301.715.8592, 95576822838#